I need your help
Eric sent this to me today:E-mail Subject Line: I need your help.
Would you be willing to do this with my amp? It might help it sell
My thoughts:
How very interesting I find it that people would go to these lengths to sell something on E-bay. How proud her father must be that his daughters ever-regions are spralled out on E-bay for the sale of a used amp. Classy!
(I hope you know that Eric was joking. Besides...I'm not that thin. Bitch!)
The first thing that popped into my mind was:
"I wonder if that girl knows what he used the picture for."
Good point! But let this be a lesson to us all -- nudey booty pictures, even if taken in a "good" relationship for "fun" purposes, can always end up in the wrong hands! Be careful the next time you take off your clothes and pose with your boyfriend/husbands toys!
Or at least make sure you can't see your face in the picture!! :) hahaha
Why dont YOU have a blog?
I do have one. I just didn't want to be searchable on the internet so I don't think it's public, which also means that the address doesn't show up on my profile. I am paranoid that way.
It's not secretive or anything -- just the idea of ex-boyfriends googling me and getting directly to my site creeps me out! :)
But I can be found over here.
It's nice to see you girls getting along so nicely =) And what?! You could at least just pose with the amp. I'm sure it wouldn't matter if you were naked or not. Do it for your man. Do it for Eric.
Yea, Jessie, it probably would sell better if you posed next to it. (Just make a stipulation that YOU don't come as part of the package. ha ha ha)
I'm definitely in full agreement with Marissa about the blog thing being secret. My URL will be kept off my profile, but anyone wanting to check it out has to email me. That's how I started getting "J" to exchange addresses with me, Marissa. I must be paranoid to do it this way, but oh well.
OH wait until I post the pictures of my "children" tonight. I'll need several naked pictures.
Eric, honey, I know marrissa is cute but you're not moving to Richmond. Got it!? I'm sure she doesn't have room for all your guitars anyway! =)
I just agreed to let Brock have his drums in the house. That's about all I can handle. So, Jessie is right. No room for guitars.
Plus, I'm just not as cool as Jessie anyway. :)
But Jess, she's soooo cute! Can't I please move to Richmond?
Only if I can keep the condo.
My Mom said never to date drummers! Do you know why? I've always wondered. The one drummer I dated was (and still is) a crack head.
Hmmm...never date drummers? I'm not sure. He is my first drummer. I know back in his college days he was quite the party boy and a big ol' PLAYA, but those days have long since passed.
Also, after I wrote that I asked Brock and he got a silly grin on his face and said that drummers are notorious for being the biggest sluts in the band. NICE!!
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