
Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Back a million years ago I took this test. My scores are different now...

Tonight was our first night of premarital counseling. I seriously had my doubts about going to the meeting for a lot of reasons.

  1. I like Jesus in the medicine cabinet so I can bring him out when in need, i.e. sickness, fatal car accidents, frightening moments & near death experiences. I didn't want our meeting chairperson to try and change that.
  2. Our "officiant" is the Reverend for the Sunset Hills Baptist Church who also happens to be Eric's brother and my soon-to-be Brother-In-Law (Herein referred to as "B.I.L."). Could be wierd.
  3. I didn't want to hurt B.I.L.'s feelings with my "Jesus in the medicine cabinet" life style.
  4. I'm uncomfortable with people analyzing me -- especially when it's "in Jesus' name we pray"
  5. I had no clue what the meeting was going to hold for us and I was highly anxious -- which makes me both angry and bitchy, oh my.
  6. Sometimes I'm just shy.
  7. I wasn't sure how Eric was going to act during the session. Was he going to make jokes? Were they going to giggle and makes jokes at me like they do at a family gathering (light hearted of course)? Was Eric going to be able to be honest? SERIOUSLY honest -- ??


So the counseling went mega-fine. I was really nervous before hand and got on Eric's nerves by acting defensive -- but I decided to put my doubts aside and give it 100% at the meeting. I wasn't going to know whether I hated it or not until I did it, right? Well it turned out to be fun. B.I.L was professional, Eric was honest, and the info we got was actually really nice.

B.I.L. gave us our compatibility results as far as Jung's Typology is concerned. We scored a 76% together as far as "compatibility" but that doesn't really mean much until you break it down, which we did. I am ESFJ and Eric is INTJ. It's weird though because I used to be ESTP....I don't know what a change in the Jung means...maybe I will ask next time. Maybe we should do these every year since I'm a Jung changer ("Chunger").

After Junging we moved to questions for both Eric and I (the same questions each) about our parents marriage, what we liked about it, what we would have changed. Some about why we want to get married, what do we like about each other, changes in our relationship, etc.

Our homework is another quiz or two, based on relationship books I've already read (Thank Buda!), and some short answers: List 3 stressors in your relationship, list 2 changes you'd make about your spouse, list of yours/his "duties" in the relationship. I already did most of my homework.

Eric and I are definately different. I wanted the wine chiller, stemware rack, Dyson vacuum cleaner , my choice of toothpaste flavor and alcoholism in our marriage but Eric has poo-pooed all of those at somepoint or another in our relationship. Most recently we disagreed about dishes. The shape of the dishes no less!

It's funny because our argument fell right in line with the Jung "thinking/feeling" part of tonight's session with B.I.L. And I actually got to use some of the stuff that B.I.L. said to argue my side. Much of which sounded like this, "I don't want to get your practical fucking dishes because you think they're logical. I want to get MY fucking dishes because they're fun, and fucking cool." That's the difference between a thinking person and a feeling person.

We're over the dishes now. I suppose in a perfect world everyone would get along perfectly and agree on dishes, alcoholism, AND toothpaste flavors. But how boring would that be? Not even Holly and I are THAT perfect for each other.

But I do know one thing for sure - it's a fuck of a lot better to have a over-thinker-logic-man in my life instead of a cheater-cheater-pumpkin-kim-eater. And I know I never have to worry about the pumpkin eater thing with Eric.


At 9:14 PM, Blogger Keelee said...

Seriously you have one more day to post before I change my tickets to go to class reunion instead of your wedding and I terminate your blog from my blog!



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