
Monday, March 14, 2005

On My Sisters Behalf

It funny that I’m 27 years old and when people are mean to my sister I still get a defensive “I’m gonna kick your ass!” response zooming through my body. I've always been like that even when I didn't really even LIKE my sister. When we were in high school my sister had these bullies that were harassing her at school. She called me in a panic one night when I was at work and told me how so-n-so was planning on kicking her butt at school the next day. I immediately called so-n-so and told him I get off work at 10pm, I’d be outside his house flashing my headlights, and to come out and deal with me if he had a problem with my sister. At 10pm I blew off curfew to drive to this dudes house and flashed my lights as promised. No one came out. He was fat so I have no idea what I’d have done if he did come out because I’m sure I couldn’t take him down but back then my temper was big enough to knock the walls of his house down. The next day I walked my sister to each and every one of her classes and then picked her up. No body really messed with her after that.

Today my poor little sister just called with a story about how adults are bullying her over e-mail! She accidentally received an unkind e-mail response, not intended for her eyes, written by an adult (older then she is) that actually involved name-calling. My first reaction was to call this adult and tell her I’d be waiting outside her home after work, flashing my lights, and to come out if she’s got a problem with my sister and deal with me. (Oh this was of course AFTER I cracked all my knuckles and threw a couple of practice blows in to the air.) Through the pounding of my adreniline rush I heard my little voice of adult reason telling me that at the dignified age of 27 it’s best I put down the headlights and the boxing gloves and send my sister some flowers to her office instead. I’ll leave the ass kicking to my brother in law.

If you want to give my sister a little cheering up – go to her blog and say something nice or tell her a joke. She had a rough weekend, a bit too much e-mail name-calling, and now she’s coming down with flu symptoms. Her last sentence to me was, “I just want someone to be nice to me……” ISN’T THAT SO SAD!


At 11:41 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

I'll let her know! Thanks for being so kind.


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