
Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Rough Start

Excuse-a-moi while I bitch about my rough start today. So I woke up late. My subconcious KNEW that I was sleeping late because it cursed me with stress dreams about loosing my car in the parking lot, my cell phone not working so I was unable to call work and alert them of my tardiness, and an evil exboyfrined from 1995 was even tossed in! I woke up frazzled and confused -- oh and puffy. There was no time for a shower so I am frantically washing my face, praying that my morning eye puffs will go down, and brushing my teeth. Bird bath. Then I turn on the news to discover that my partly sunny 66-degree weather of yesterday is now a soggy 40-degree, rainy, windy, muddy mess. With no time to spare I throw the greasy hair in a ponytail, toss on my grubby jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes, and take the dog out for a walk. Forgot the umbrella. Drag one highly disappointed dog back inside to retrieve the umbrella. Once back outside, and exposed to the torrid weather, the misrable wind possesses my umbrella turning it inside out. I am officially a pretzel made up of keys, cell phone, dog leash, and inside out umbrella - wet. Quick pee for the dog and I'm off to work. Late. Stop to get low fat breakfast. I get to my building and there are fire trucks around the perimiter of the building. Hello -- sorry the building is burning down but I'M LATE - please move! I park underground (why do they let you park under the building but they won't let you ride up the elevator during a possible fire?) Now we should all know by now that I don't, how do we say, exercise.....so walking up the stairs to my office was the bitter icing on my morning cake. I strip off a few layers of my soaked clothes, sit down at my much beloved computer, reach for my coffee, and realize I've left my breakfast in the car. SHIT. I still don't smell a building fire so I walk back down the STAIRS to the garage to retreive my now cold breakfast. Step on elevator...push up...up...up...UP...UP DAMN IT! and remember that the building is supposedly burning down around me so I can't use the elevator and walk back UP the stairs to my office. I'm sitting here now and the tempature has dropped 10 degrees and it's snowing out. I'm not leaving this burning building until springtime.

PS. Forgot deoderant again. Melon Ball pits.


At 7:54 AM, Blogger The Blonde Hurricane said...

I just have to tell you, I LOVE reading your blog every day!!! Yes, I'm the same nut who likes reading your sister's blog and who commented on her hair dilemma! :) Between the two of you, I am cracking up constantly! Keep up the awesome blogging!


At 7:56 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

Hey thanks!! That made my whole day feel SO MUCH BETTER!

At 8:01 AM, Blogger The Blonde Hurricane said...

You're so welcome! (Hopefully you're not being sarcastic, ha ha ha!) :) Hope things get better today...

At 8:06 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

No, not sarcastic! I swear.


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