
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Oh yea baby....

Oh yea...I've got a cold. Eric came home and gave me some night time cold/flu stuff and it knocked me out but I woke up feeling YU-KEE! Soar throat, runny nose, tight chest. I feel a little better now. Colds always feel worse right as you wake up but the more you walk around and get your circulation going -- the better you feel. Per Eric's suggestion I stopped and got some Zicam. His boss actually suggested it to him -- swearing that it does what it claims to. "Zicam - Cold Remedy - Actually Shortens the Cold!" We'll see. I'll keep you posted because I'm very interested in this $10 purchase.

I have a Braun battery operated toothbrush that I got just under 2 years ago. I love it! Ever since I've been using it the dentist has been kissing my pearly whites. They think I floss now! They think I brush 80 times a day! They rave! I don't do any of those things. I brush once (twice if I'm not too lazy) and I rarely floss unless I've got a piece of pork chop stuck up in my teeth. The Braun that I bought came with a single round head brush that did WONDERS. Wonders I tell you! Recently Gillette put out a new brush head called "Dual Action" -- eh hem...twice the action = bull HONKY! These brushes are A) too big B) not nearly as gum penetrating C) and leave a film on my teeth. Red wine actually sticks to my teeth. To the tune of $20/per pack of brush heads -- I was pretty pissed off about my bunk purchase. So once again I tapped in to the online customer service - service. Gillette wrote me back last night to say that they appreciate my feedback and will report it to the company -- and they are sending me replacement toothbrush heads. The kind I like. Score!

I went to CVS to buy some replacement deodorant. I've been struggling with the white film all over my shirt because I normally use Sure solid. I decided to try Mitchem invisible (I think that's what it's called). I put it on, go to work, come home smelling like a summer metro ride. B_A_D! This has been my experience with most clear deodorants by the way. They just don't have the same powerful protection AND I'M NOT A SWEATY GIRL! I do sweat but not through my shirts and whatnot. How hard can it be to make a clear deodorant for me??? So I went online to tap in to the Mitchem customer service - service - nothing. I couldn't find anything. Why is that? Now I have $3 worth of deodorant that sucks. Does anyone have a clear deodorant suggestion?

As for the heel yesterday -- I tossed those deceased shoes as soon as I could. I went to Holly's and had to use my emergency flip flops that I keep over at her house -- in case of an emergency -- such as busting my heel in Old Town or -- going to Holly's after having a bad day -- Going to Holly's to watch L&O, Going to Holly's to put on someone's sweat pants, get drunk, & smoke cigarettes. So now I have to go out and buy some decent autumn shoes. The seasons have changed. There is just nothing better then a good reason to buy shoes!

Now excuse me while I go suck on my Sucrets Complete......


At 10:52 AM, Blogger The Blonde Hurricane said...

Okay, don't laugh, but I think I've mentioned before that I use men's deoderant! The one I'm using right now is Right Guard Sport. It's a nice green solid color, but it goes on clear. Niiiiice! And the other one I'm fond of is called Extreme-something. It's a clear gel and you twist the thing at the bottom and a little comes out at the top. Also, very potent. I'm all about CLEAR because I wear a lot of black shirt and I HATE HATE HATE that white powder on them! I also hate the white clumps stuck under my armpits!! :)

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Kaycee said...

When you feel a cold coming on you are supposed to take "Airborne". It stops is in its tracks. The brokers here use it. Also I am in agreeance with Jess. I also use chris's when I need a clear deoderant, cause not only does it work, but also if I get lonely, I can sniff my pits and smell him. Hmmm


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