
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Since Turkey Day

Okay okay I had a busy ass day at work today and had no time to blog, but now that I've had a good dinner, and a glass or 4 of wine, I'm prepared!

This is the picture diary from ....well when ever it was that I said Eric was making tacos with no chunks.

Here is Eric making sure there are minimal chunks in the tacos. He's so serious and intense when he goes the extra mile.

Here is my brother feeling the effects of Thanksgiving...this was before the Turkey...so maybe he was feeling the effects of something else???

This is definitely a POST turkey picture....here is my cousins son Brody...easily confused with..
MY KID...I mean Holly's kid.BRODIE...whom I love more then my own not-yet-born-or-conceived-child.
Here is the beginnings of our NEW kitchen floor that Eric worked on over the weekend. Isn't it smashing? He's so great that after he did the floor he cooked me dinner. I LOVE HIM!


At 6:56 AM, Blogger Jacq said...

I need to take more pictures of my boyfriend Chuck cooking. He says I've gotten lazy because he cooks! I can't help it! Why should you cook, when your boyfriend does it SO WELL???

That flooring is AWESOME!!! Chuck installed his flooring, and it looks just like that. He's done a lot of work on his house thus far.

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

I'm so lucky to have a man that knows how to do stuff like that! He cooks, he does home improvements, and he cuts down Christmas trees!

At 11:06 AM, Blogger Kaycee said...

That floor looks oddly familiar

At 1:21 PM, Blogger Jacq said...

Jessie, my boyfriend is the exact same way. He can do everything. And YES! He cuts down trees, too! As a matter of fact, he had to cut a whole bunch down that were blocking his monstrous driveway not too long ago, when we had all those storms. He has this tiny little cabin and 20 acres of property. That man is in heaven, let me tell ya.


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