
Wednesday, July 21, 2004

It's been so long....

Ok it's been so long since I've written a real blog entry.  I have been gone since July 9th on a work/fun trip to San Fran and the surrounding areas.  I want to write all about it but I fear it might take days and you'll get bored!  I'll try to sum it up as best as I can.  Cool?

Friday, July 9th (Staying in Livermore with Serena and her daughter Tara) - Arrived at the Oakland airport at 12am CA time 3am DC time.  I was pooped but Serena wasn't going to let me off that easily.  She crammed me full of unwanted martinis until I collapsed at 3:30am CA time and 6:30am DC time.  Ok...maybe they weren't so unwanted.

Saturday, July 10th - slept in really really late and then headed down to the pool for a little swimming.  Later we met up with Courtney and Brianna for some yummy Japanese steak house stuff.  More martinis.....we eventually went back to Courtney's to catch up on old times although I fell asleep in Courtney's room singing "I had a little Turtle" to Tara until she fell asleep.  Mind you this is not easy to do after having had a few martinis. 

Sunday, July 11th - Went to see Anchorman with Serena and her friend Matt.  It was hilarious!  I highly recommend it.  Then I took my first trip on the bart train to the hotel I'll be working at.  Just like the metro - but it's the BART.  Matt told me what it stands for but I can't remember now.  I also don't think it's the "BART train".  I think it's just "the BART".  I've had much discussion about this.  Please comment if you know. 

Monday, July 12th - First day of work at the Hyatt Embarcadero.  We were having our annual conference and I was one of 9 girls working to help things flow, i.e. handing out name badges, assisting people with issues, directing people to where they're supposed to be.  Yea and they made us wear fluorescent construction vests with light reflectors AND head bands with antenna.  The antenna were shaped like bright yellow suns.  Nice!  It was all worth it because I met Karla - my new work buddy.

Tuesday, July 13th - work work work

Wednesday, July 14th - work work work

Thursday, July 15th - work work work - my work friend Michele came to the meeting on this day and I was sooooo happy! 

Friday, July 16th - work work work - had our big hoo-ha dinner/dance night with the company.  It was super fun and we go to dress in "club attire".

Saturday, July 17th - work work take BART back to Livermore to stay with Serena.  My friend Stacey from high school came up to stay with us.  I also met up with Heather - another high school friend.  All the Cabrillo High school people went out to dinner and then most of us went out dancing drinking afterwards...fun!

Sunday, July 18th - Stacey, Heather, and I all went for breakfast.  Then Pool time!  After a little while Stacey had to leave - so sad can't talk about it.  Finally Sunday night we.....damn I think I forgot.  Oh I passed out at 10 something from exhaustion

Monday, July 19th - GOT A FACIAL AND A FULL BODY MASSAGE.  I was in heaven.  Heather, Serena and I all went to the spa!  I've never really been able to say "I'm headed to the spa now..."  Sunday night we went to say good-bye to Courtney and his girlfriend Brianna (most darling girl ever!).  It was was so sad to say good-bye because I haven't seen Courtney's face since the day we graduated.  He's still just as cute though.

Tuesday, July 21st - my flight out. All went well until I got to Dallas and my flight was delayed.  Yea, so I sat and had too many beers.  When I woke up at 1:30am I discovered that one of my bags had been lost.  Which one? The one I needed most of course.  NOT the bag with 2 weeks worth of dirty clothes...no...the one with my toothbrush, make-up, brush, deodorant, hair brushes, and work stuff.  Yea -- that sucked. 

So now here I am.  Chad, my house sitter, completely made a pig pen out of my place.  I knew he was a complete and utter slob when I asked him to do this.  And in all fairness he did me a huge favor FOR FREE but dude....he left 2 full bags of trash sitting by the door.  Hello!  It stunk in my house like trash.  GROSS!  That and my cat barfed all over my house.  So now I am off to clean. 

Courtney, Serena, Brianna, Stacey, Tara, Heather and even you David -- I miss you already!!!!


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

I had so much fun with you guys. I can't wait to come back or to have you and Bri at my parents place on the Chesapeak.......hint hint....fly the hell out here!!!


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