
Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Sobriety Addendum

Today I had 2 of our top executives whining in my ear over not having internet access in our new office yet. Like there was something I could really do about it. Hello! My business card says "Executive Assistant to the President of SunDance Rehab" not "Internet Technology wizard with nothing better to do then listen to you whine". This brings me to my next point. Due to the lack of patience I've had since I quit smoking and drinking I've decided to make a slight contract addendum to my promise of sobriety. I am still going to remain sober, per my earlier blog, HOWEVER I am going to have to have the occasional cigarette. I CANNOT no...I rephrase I DO NOT want to quit smoking completely, for fear that I will do bodily injury to someone in my office. I'd rather have throat cancer then be this irritated all the time! So I am going to cut back and only smoke when ABSOLUTELY necessary. Since I'm not drinking that should be far less smoking then before any how. Feel me?

Today I bought an $80.00 desk chair for my new office space. It rocks. Desk chairs are the foundation for which your inner most assistant-ness comes from. It is enormously important that your inner most assistant be comfortable, free to swivel, have good posture, type and ultimately assist. For one to have this healthy inner assistant vibe - ones keester must be propped up in the perfectly designed, ergonomically satisfying, faux leather (pleather) chair. All for $79.99 at your local Office Depot.

Last night I had 2 diet cokes at happy hour. Then I went to Jeff's to do shit loads of laundry while he drank beer(s). It was the test of all tests. My two calming agents: Bud Light and Dryer sheets. I am proud to report -- I took a few deep breaths and succeeded to NOT drink a Bud Light but a few cups of liquid Downey Fabric softener instead. No, that's a lie. I did not drink fabric softer. I didn't drink a beer either. Woo-hoo.

I'm trying to eat healthier: 1/2 of Karyn's egg sandwich on bagel w/large coffee (breakfast), instant oatmeal w/diet Sprite (lunch), and a salad w/low fat dressing, 1 peach and a sugar free Redbull and one tiny little kit kat bar (dinner). Not so bad. Tomorrow I'm on to whole wheat bagels with non fat cream cheese, plums, and a Lean Cuisine (maybe 2 Lean Cuisines) ALL with a cup of liquid Downey fabric softener - no I mean water .. bottled water.

I miss my friend Carrie. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever see her more then once a month like the good ole days?!


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