
Friday, June 11, 2004

So a few things....

First of all I bought a pair of white jeans. Yes, they are in this year so that's ok. I chose to wear them today. The day of President Regan's funeral. I'm starting to feel that it's slightly disrespectful. I am not attending any of the memorial services or anything - but for some reason I feel a little bad about it. Maybe it's because here in DC it's all anyone is talking about.

So I walk my white jeaned ass to the coffee shop on the corner to get coffee for myself, and spilled a whole cup of coffee on the floor. A whole entire cup. NOT SPILLING ONE DROP ON MY WHITE PANTS! It's got to be a sign...but I'm not sure of what yet.

My breakfast bar is finally finished. Last night I had a breakfast bar party with the girls. (I will attach picture later.) It was fun...too much wine..but it was fun. And I even COOKED for it. Most of my friends know that I DO NOT cook. I can't do it well and I hate doing it at all. However, I successfully made 3 salads & pink lemonade (you may not consider this lemonade mixing "cooking" but it takes preparation and that is definitely "cooking" in my book.). Just for this event -Wednesday night I slaved over a hot stove and boiled pasta for the pasta salad and studied my recipes to create all the other salads. All the girls said they liked them so I guess they were good. Either that or they are flat out lying which really wouldn't surprise me either.

My refrigerator throws eggs at me. Yes, it really does. I have never dropped an egg in my life but since I bought my condo I have had TWO cartons of eggs fly out of the refrigerator, and on to the floor. The damn thing may be possessed, it may be defective, or it may just hate me. I don't know...but it throws eggs at me.

The Last Samurai is my new favorite movie. I was sad, mad, happy and moved during that movie. It was great! I am not even attracted to what's his face...um....damit...Tom Cruise...but I loved it. (I thought the head Samurai dude was hot though.)

Big C is driving up from South Carolina to do an estimate in Richmond. He said I'm worth the 2 hours of extra driving to come up and make Friday night happy hour. I'm all smiles today....


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