
Monday, August 23, 2004

Holly & Jessica go to the gym - day #2

Jessica stayed up until 12:30am talking to new crush.
Jessica had to get up at 5am something to go to gym.
Holly and Jessica met at gym.
Holly nearly got killed by a trainer and Jessica nearly killed herself.
Jessica took longer to get ready for work after her work out then she did to actually work out.
Jessica also forgot to validate her parking, forgot her belt, forgot her earrings and dropped about 10 items out of her gym locker.
Jessica is going to nap now.
Jessica will probably end up talking to new crush again until wee hours anyway.
Jessica just wants new crush and abs worth a squat - is that too much to ask? Do I really need to have sleep too?!
Holly paid lots of money to get tortured at the gym for the next few weeks. Aight?
Jessica will probably continue to torture herself for free, by not sleeping, for the next few weeks.


At 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This getting to the gym thing at 6am isnt as hard as I thought it would be. Score. I am nearly dead though. Keith, aka Satan, kicked my ass. It was the best strength training workout I've ever had. And he says "aight" frequently, which momentarily took my mind of the pain and almost made me laugh. Yep, I shelled out the big bucks for more torture, but beauty is pain right?


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Yeah, aight! If you say so.


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