Can you believe it?
Welcome to my blog entry about WEDDING #8! This one snuck up on me...but I am proud to sort of REannounce (God I hope she doesn't think I'm stealing her thunder ..but she's way too introvert for me sometimes. Whatever -- I am ESTP..hear me roar!) Holly and STC are finally getting hitched! It's a secret locale situation but they're having a reception upon their return for everyone (ok maybe not you though...) to celebrate it with them. Her long distance best friend (her version of my Lizzy) and I are throwing Holly a bridal shower in just three weeks! Come December 18th we'll be sipping on Mai Thai's, wearing Lai's, coconut bras & listening to the tropical sound of men beating on congos (coming out of Moms kitchen stereo). Yes -- we're going Hawaiian tropical in Vienna, Virginia! Sounds fun, right? You wanna come ..doncha?I am so thrilled for Holly & STC because I know without a doubt they both have found "the one", in each other. Holly is my best friend and that means I have not been anxiously awaiting the day I had to give her up to a guy. However, in this case, I don't have to! STC is so great he lets me be the third wheel when ever I want! Just for that I am going to do the old fashioned thing - teach her to be a good obedient wife! My research today told me that early bridal showers were focused on strengthening the bride's friendship with her peers, offering moral support, and helping her plan for her marriage. I can totally do that...can't I...maybe? Please leave me some good relationship advice I can pass on to Holly, in the comment section....please... I really only have one piece of advice and I think I stole it from a fortune cookie ......
To make her transition to married life easier on her, I suggest you come over at least once a week to do all the laundry, vacuum the carpets with Mountain Fresh scented carpet powder, wash the windows, dust all the knick-knacks and lampshades, organize the socks in the sock drawers, scrub the toilets, and generally spread goodwill and cheer. Don't worry about the dishes, I'm sure she'll have those covered...
The MOST IMPORTANT thing in any relationship (especially marriages) is COMMUNICATION! I cannot stress this enough! COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION!!! Other than that, make an effort to do something in their love language EVERY DAY! Good Luck!
one thing i would tell you to pass on to them would be to take great caution in involving friends in the decision-making aspect of the relationship. quite simply, most friends don't know the whole story, may not TRULY care, and may just want you to stop talking- so they give their input, whether valid or not, just to make you shut up
so, use caution, don't abandon them, but somewhat important to maintain the distinction
Ok all 3 of those were beautifully put. The one about uthe dishes...seems sort of ...well...suspicious. My advice I read at wedding #7 rehersal dinner - Don't go to bed mad - stay up and fight. I thought that was cute!
What was that??? ESTP??? LOL!
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