
Thursday, March 17, 2005

I smell A Rat

Ok well I didn't but Casey (the dog not my sister) did..........

I am house sitting for Deannie and Dean right now. They have two lovely dogs and a house on the last acre and a half in Alexandria. It's been a treat to stay at their house and watch the dogs while they're vacationing in Florida.

The two dogs sleep with me every night. That is the sole purpose of me being there while Deannie and Dean are gone. This morning Casey got out of bed to have her morning pee which she does every morning. Usually she'll come back in bed with me and sleep a little while or annoy me until I get up for work. Today she did not. I was mildly like, "Where is Casey", but I had to get ready for work so figured she was enjoying the nice spring morning outside. I got ready for work and walked out in to the garage where Casey was crying, shaking, and had her schnozzle busily smelling something between the storage boxes on the garage shelves. When she realized I was there she turned around to look at me longingly, as if to say, "Please Jessica...I want to eat that animal that's stuck back there!! At LEAST let me play with it!!" So I then realized we were dealing with an animal. Cat, mouse, bunny, I didn't know...but I decided to check it out. I pulled the storage box away from the wall and Casey weaseled her body behind it which caused a GIANT RAT to scurry across the garage, over the weight bench, and in to the corner behind another storage box. I am talking about a RAT the size of a SHOE with a BIG TAIL leaving behind much rat poop evidence.



At 8:55 AM, Blogger Kaycee said...

Finally, I can comment. This was really confusing, because I thought you were spelling my name wrong for a while there, and I didn't know what I had done lately that was rat related. Very cute story. Did you scream when the rat ran out? You should have saved it. It was probably an escaped pet. They generally do not grow that big in the wild. I would have taken it.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

Since when are you a rat specialist!? :0) I would have liked to save it but I neither wanted rabies nor to be several hours late for work all on account of a rodent I was NOT going to foster.

At 1:46 AM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

A picture? Did you take a picture? I want a picture. Why didn't you take a picture????

At 8:14 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

I did not take a picture. I was running late but I DID THINK ABOUT IT AFTERWARDS! (I hate it when I do that!) Besides -- that little critter was running too fast and I couldn't find a flashlight!

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

Just as an update: Deannie is home and now and after I told her the rat story she said "I thought I told you about the rat in the garage....." WHAT?!?! No - she didn't. That and no, it was not an escapee pet, aparently since they started building up new houses in thier neighbor hood they've been getting lots of "visitors".


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