Premarrital Beating...I mean Counseling
Premarrital Counseling is interesting. I think maybe more for me then most couples because my soon to be brother-in-law is actually doing the counseling. I'm getting the feeling this is a mistake.I find that premarrital couseling is a very unique way to dive in to issues, or tough spots, in your relationship that are typically (and comfortably) over looked and under the surface -- and bring them to the surface like a shiny zit of life. Leaving me feeling small.
1 Stubborn proud person
1 Stubborn proud person
2 People pissed off after counseling
I do my research on premarrital counseling on marital satisfaction. Preparation for marriage is a must and every one must do it. It will help you to be better in life.
God bless
Please find my research published
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