
Monday, June 14, 2004

I just ate a lime flavored tootsie roll... I don't get it. ...yuck...

I told Holly about my eggs. The ones in my frige that insist on committing egg-a-cide. She quickly said "You're not putting them in the egg holder in the door are you? You know you're not supposed to use that. It's pretend. It's only for looks." Well no - I didn't know that. After spending some quality time investigating it turns out that I was placing the egg carton in the compartment on the door where the BUTTER dish is supposed to go. Thus the reason the eggs were flying out. Ugh...butter-shmutter...whatever.

I just watched Eurotrip. It was kind of dumb but I enjoyed it. No...it was REALLY dumb and I enjoy it. It had lots of boobs in it...and it actually had lots of European peckers too. (This is NOT why I enjoyed it though - just an observation.) I just wanted an evening to come home, pop in a few movies, to detox and relax. The movie made me giggle - I am satisfied - there you go.

Ray Charles died. I thought I saw Ray Charles playing in a casino in Las Vegas once. It turns out it was a very VERY good impersonater...

Did anyone hear about Courtney Cox's new baby? Coco? What?! I think I'm going to name my kid BOB or something really simple. Maybe HANK. Or even KIM (no, not Kim....) maybe ANN. Why do people in Hollywood name there kids with names they should be naming their two thousand dollar toy yorkies? Here's more...


I'm bored with myself today and going to bed. I think I'm fucking crabby...



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