
Friday, June 18, 2004

Thank God It's Friday

First matter of business is that my guest book is on the most tippy top of my blog. I've had questions about it's whereabouts. It's free - so it's not quite as visible as I'd like it. But it'll just have to do!

I got a new template for my blog. I like it but it takrs all my entries and squishes them altogether. Now they look like big blog blobs. Sorry about that. When you change your template it takes out all the prior formatting. I'll try to write my entries with this in mind. Using terms like "and moving on" so you can figure out when I switch topics. And moving on...

Have you ever known anyone that was so saturated in their own self-induced misery that it was like they were suffocating themselves? It's sort of like Eeyore on Winnie The Pooh. It's the Eeyore phenomenon. I wonder why they do that anyway. AND FINALLY.

Have a great weekend. I'm going tubing with Dad and Robby. Maybe I'll have a picture or two to post when I'm done.


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