
Sunday, November 14, 2004

11 Reasons I know I'm PMSing

How was my weekend?

11 Reasons I Know I'm PMSing:

  1. Cried to Country Music Television this afternoon in my bathrobe
  2. Wiped crumbs of ginger snaps off my face after a 4 hour mid-day nap
  3. Slept in my clothes for 2 days
  4. Screamed at my boyfriend for having involuntary cat allergies
  5. Sore...I said SORE breasts. (Don't touch me!)
  6. aforementioned zit on left cheek
  7. New -EVEN BIGGER zit on right jaw line
  8. "If you can't say anything nice -- don't say anything at all" TOTALLY applies TO ME
  9. I want a f-ing cigarette
  10. The ginger snaps, mentioned in reason #2, are stuffed in my purse in a zip lock
  11. I hate self-help books


At 6:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I hope next time I see you those torrid 'snap crumbs are no longer visible and I dont have to rip the giraffe from your hands.

BTW ~ you're glad you're not here now although I'm not. a certain soon to be x-roommate need to be ripped a new one based on his "funny hahahahah my ass" commentary on the vickies and Jane magazines. it's taking all my will to sit here any type rather than throw a flaming fire log at him. huh. maybe that's #12?

At 6:10 AM, Blogger Compulsive Lizzie said...

The ginger snaps in the ziploc bag, in your purse is the funniest thing, and I don't really know why!!!

At 7:56 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

E - Don't laugh -- the baggy is still here.

Misty - flaming fire log....good one! We should make up our own form of violent video game. PMS something or other...where instead of using manly weapons (guns, knives, blow torches..)we use giraffe letter openers, fire logs, and such. Could be a big seller.

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Herbs, baby. Take some herbs. And, not the doobie type. Ha ha

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Compulsive Lizzie said...

Stop it!!...you're killing me!

At 1:52 PM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

E - But now the cookies are all crumbs. I am still saving them .

J - what herbs? Give me info.

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

The herb that has been most helpful to me has been dong quai. You can get a bottle at your local health store (or if you're an introvert, like me, get them online HERE) ... start with one capsule in the morning and one in the evening.

I speak from a position of knowledge, believe me. (See Here.)


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