Just call me Grizzly Bear
3:45pmJust call me Grizzly Bear. I am both bear in mood and in sleep habits. I calculated that in the last 40 hours, I've slept for 22 hours and 45 minutes. I've also decided this morning, when I couldn't get out of bed, that I should look up PMS symptoms to see if hibernation was one of them. WebMD refers to "not getting up" as, "sleep pattern changes" and "fatigue or lack of energy". I'm calling it Premenstrual Hibernation = PMH
After further research, it turns out on top of PMH, I have most all of the symptoms of PMS. All symptoms WebMD has politely listed in three different categories: Physical Symptoms, Emotional Symptoms, and Behavioral Symptoms. There are 9 Physical Symptoms - I have 8 of them. There are 4 Emotional Sypmtoms - I have 3 of those. There are 4 behavioral Symptoms - I have all freakin 4 of these ones. Oh, and mirroring my calculations, is a snippet about how PMS can start up to TWO WEEKS before your period. This means I'll be Grizzly next week too. Oh-the-horror.
I am looking forward to dinner, bed time, sweat pants, and darkness, all night long. Crawling UNDER my bed to hide from the world has sounded great all day! My Mom said it's important for me to write these dates down so that I have a picture of what my emotional state will be month to month. Apparently, it can help aide in deciphering legitimate anger, and anger fueled by hormones. That way, when I am tempted to: murder people, quit my job, poop talk my friends, start fists fights, and skin my cat - I know when to "reach back" in the name of PMS.
I had Dinner with my friend Leslie tonight (she's a nurse). She suggested writing down my hormone "tude" patterns as well, in case I need to be medicated. I think this is wise. WebMD said medication may be needed if my mood swings start affecting my relationships and day to day life. If I'm as grizzly as I was this weekend, for two weeks out of every month, I'm in need of medication. And lots more ginger snaps....
Jeanette suggests herbs...I think I'll try this suggestion in combo with PMS patternizing.
Going to bed now & praying for a bright and sunny day tomorrow.....
If you saw 'The Grudge' you would know that hiding under the sheets does not hide you from the world. The sheets can not protect you.
The Grudge -- never heard of it. Huh...
Oh, yes, definitely track your symptoms. I do that, too.
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