
Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Tom Jones Concert

Last night I went to Wolf Trap (website linked to title)to see Tom Jones with my Mom, my Aunt from North Dakota, and two cousins under 16. I was asked if I would go to this Tom Jones concert because my Dad was trying to back out gracefully. I agreed, knowing this would be good quality time for me to spend with my visiting family members. I agreed to go but I have to say I was highly skeptical. First of all I didn't even really know who Tom Jones was. My Mom kept trying to sing me his songs over the phone - but it totally embarrassed me and left me begging for her to stop! I also told everyone I know that was going to a GEORGE Jones concert...I was confused. We had seats on the lawn and Mom packed free-range noodles and asparagus from Whole Foods for us to eat before the show. We had wine - the works - it was great. Looking around the crowd I realized that there were all these 50+ year old woman with panties in their hands. YES they were twirling panties in anticipation for Tom Jones to come on stage! Eventually Tom came out. Well...I finally realized that I had the wrong Genre....duh...this man was NOT George Jones and certainly not Country. AND the panty twirling got worse. One woman, with 15 pairs of panties strung on a big stick, was running up and down the isles - twirling away. It was madness. After a few recognizable songs Tom decided to take a break and chat with the audience. So this is where I think the story gets good.... Some girl about my age sling shot her panties up on to the stage, hitting Tom on the chest. He politely acknowledges her, sniffs her panties, and goes in to this dialog about how he can "never remember a girls name but you never forget this." (Another sniff) "THIS is like a fingerprint...". I think the description of the panty smelling went on for a few more minutes. I've got to say I was most embarrassed. Not at the thought of a 64 year old man loving the smell of a woman's panties. That doesn't surprise me a'tall. I think it was the fact that I was listening to this old bastard talk about smelling panty crotches while sitting next to my 10 year old cousin Cody who blushed when I asked him if he had a girlfriend earlier in the night, and my 15 year old(raised highly Christian) cousin Megan. Not to mention my Mom and my aunt were giggling like they'd just had THEIR panties sniffed on stage. My my my...it was an event to remember folks.


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