
Wednesday, September 22, 2004

The Friend Pyramid

A Powerpoint Org Chart might be a visual that is needed for this here blog. I have this little term I call the "friend pyramid". People move up or down the friend pyramid in your lifetime. That movement is based on several things. The short list of things it's based on is: trustworthiness, loyalty, history, love, & ability to have fun.

Basically you have your "best friend(s)" at the tippy top of the pyramid. These are your brides maids, room mates, confidants, and biggest secret holders whom you almost have an unconditional love for. They embody all of the above listed qualities. (This particular category can be subcatagorized by a serious boyfriend, husband, or finace.)

Next down would be your "Good friend" row. These are people you'd probably tell most of your secrets to, they're there for you, support you, honestly care about you and your life. Not too much is actually keeping them from the tippy top except maybe history and space. By space I mean that you really only have space at the tippy top for 2 "best friends" and a "sub". These "good friends" are most likely on your bridesmaids list though.

The 3rd row of this pyramid is your "friends" row. These are the super fun friends who you can't always trust. They probably talk about you behind your back when they don't agree with your life decisions (or when you gain or loose weight) but all-n-all FUN to hang with. You accept them, they won't be brides maids, you may loose touch eventually -- but for now you're "friends" and you hang out fairly often. They really only take on the quality of being fun.

Last but not least you have your "acquaintance" row. These are that diluted group friends that include work friends, family friends, church friends, friends you see very rarely, cousins, friends of "friends", etc. They may not have any of the qualities above and if they do you don't care.

Now the key to this pyramid is "cleaning house". It is important to realize when it's time to graduate someone to a higher level (even if temporarily) or to crank someone down a few. Everyone goes through phases where they talk to their elementary school friends less in Jr high - or their high school friends are not the same friends they'll have in college. As adults we have this too. People get married, have kids, move away and become distant. You eventually meet new people that suit you better. Maybe you one day realize that your "good friends" are really jerks but they're fun to hang out with - crank em' down to "friends".

I so tried to make that not so long - but it didn't really work. Sorry!! I hope you enjoyed your lesson in Jess.


At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trying to give someone a hint???

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean and I think your description here far surpasses the one described while on the elliptical trainer. Glad to be one of the three at the top. (cocky arent I?)

lova ya

At 6:19 PM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

H - Cocky yet correct.

Anon - Not really a hint seeing as not many of my "friends" have access to my blog. More of an outward thought of how my pyramid has been looking rather short and fat lately. I think I need to thin it out in the middle. Sometimes when you have too many "friends" and not enough "good friends" you tend to loose site of who really cares about you. That usually ends up in my case as more work then play.

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Yeah, my friend pyramid is like your description. What's kind of weird to me is that sometimes I might not know my best friend's best friend. Weird, eh? But as long as I'm one of my best friend's best friend, I'm okay with that. Hard to follow, maybe?

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

Cuz, you know, I wouldn't want to reward one of my "best friend" slots to someone, only to be unreciprocated.

At 12:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jess! wow that was an excellent display of putting thoughts\ideas to words..friend pyramid makes some sense. but for me I think mine is more like a jenga tower..you take some out..try to put them at the top or bottom, when things don't seem to work out right...BOOM! it falls apart :( Then I have to start over again to stack them back up.. but now, I'm working hard on ONLY making the moves I know are safe ;) lol! did that analogy make sense at all? hahaha, I think I need some sleep. take care.


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