
Thursday, March 24, 2005

Dog Sitting Novel

Here is the letter my sister wrote me with all the intructions on how to care for the dogS. Ok...is it just me or do these make you want to scream, "Get a fucking life already!!" (Ok I love my sister but as she was going over these instructions for the zillionth time today on the phone I thought she was going to have a break down.) I hope she's having fun in Vegas!!

Fez ? Younger Red MinPin
Bandit ? Younger Black and Tan MinPin
Buttons ? Older Red Minpin, Bad eye.
Reesies ? Older Black and Tan MinPin, Chubby, Bad Breath

Food: Food is in the Christmas Tin on the counter. Please give them 3 cups in
the evening.
Water: Fill as often as needed. It is important that they have water through
out the day.
Treats: are in the white cookie jar by the sink. It is best to split them in
half and give each dog half.
Spray bottle: We use this for bad behavior, such as barking at the window, fighting
(beyond just play fighting) and getting on tables.

IMPORTANT: When leaving for the day, make sure nothing is on the kitchen
table and that all chairs are tucked in. They will get ANYTHING you leave
on the table.

Medications: Every morning, put solution in Buttons eye (Your right, her left). Give
her a treat afterwards. She will not bite, but will make a fuss. In the
evenings, put a line of gel from tube on her eye. Again, treat.

Messes: When you come home, there will most likely be a mess in the kitchen,
i.e. pee on the floor. The easiest thing to do, is use the mop n' vac
that is on the washer/dryer. Turn on and squeeze trigger to release
cleaner. Suction is always going. If you need more solution, (it's the
stuff that goes in the top container of the vac) there is more on the
counter. Fill the vac container with water to the fill line and then fill
the lid of that container with the Lysol cleaning stuff. For more
in-depth cleaning, you can use bleach and water, or 409. DO NOT USE THE

Everyone, except for Bandit, goes into crates at night. For The older
girls, you just point to the crate and say "nite-nite" and they will go
in. As soon as they go in, put a treat inside and shut the gate. Fez may
need to be picked up but will go in willingly. Give him a treat as well.
Bandit will sleep with you. He will want to be kissed and petted for a
while until he falls asleep. If you lay him on his side next to you and
pet him gently, he will fall asleep. He likes to sleep close to you. Any
clothes that you do not want chewed, should stay in the closet with the
door closed. The dogs should not be in the closet. The toilet room of
the bathroom must stay closed, or bandit will take all the toilet paper
off and chew it up while you sleep. It's a wonderful thing to wake up to.
My suggestion is to have a chewy bone upstairs with you for him to chew
on, should he get restless. I have left two up there.

Lizard: On your way upstairs with bandit, stop in the boys room to mist the gecko
cage and feed crickets.
To feed crickets, simply take the top off of the cage, opening in enough
to fit the cricket tube in. Take the cricket tube out of the cricket
keeper and tap against the inside of the cage. Crickets will come out.
You need to give him approximately 8 a day. More is fine, but less is not
a good idea. THEN CLOSE THE CAGE.

His cage needs to be sprayed every evening. You can do this without
opening it, if he still has enough crickets. You need to spray until
everything is moist. Make sure he has plenty of water. If the light bulb
goes out or breaks there are more in the laundry room closet. We use the
60 Watt Bulbs. Both the Lizard and the snake cage lights stay on all

Snake: If the snake one bothers you, you can turn it out for the night; just
REMEMBER TO TURN IT BACK ON IN THE MORNING. Make sure his bowl always has
water in it.

Morning: They need to go out at 6:00 if you go to bed at 8:00, 7:00 if you go to
bed at 9:00. Reesies will usually start barking when its time to go
out. When you let them out of the cage, make sure the kitchen gate is
closed. You will have to stand outside with them, or they will not go.
Tell them to "Get going". When Fez Poops, make sure to say GOOD BOY and
pet him a lot! We are trying positive reinforcement. You should try and
wait until everyone goes poop.

Daily Stuff:

There is a bungee cord to hold the Kitchen gate open when you are in the
living room with them. But please, ALWAYS LEAVE THE GATE ON THE STAIRS
CLOSED. They should not have access to the upstairs unless you are with
impossible to get them out and Fez wants to eat the bird.

Bird: If you want to bring the bird out for a little while, the best time to
do this is when you are in bed, watching TV. He will happily sit on your
shoulder, and bandit is usually good about giving him space. The bird
likes shiny things so watch your necklaces; he will try to play with them.
You will need to change his water, as he likes to poop in it.

Dogs do not go upstairs, unless it is while you shower in the morning, or
for a quick nap. If they go potty on the floor, please pick up with
toilet paper and flush down the toilet. If it leaves a stain, please use
the carpet spray.

Leaving: When leaving for the day, or any amount of time. Get all the dogs in the
kitchen, and make sure the gate is closed. If you have trouble getting
all of them inside, just pull out a few small plates, and put a piece of
bread ripped in fours on each or cheese poofs which are in the bottom
cupboard to the left of the stove. Bandit usually knows the sound of the
plates and comes running, or you can show him the plates. The biggest,
most important thing I can tell you is to MAKE SURE THE GATE IS SECURELY CLOSED, EACH AND EVERY
TIME YOU GO OUT. If you need to put trash out, I recommend throwing the bag over the gate
and putting it in the trash next time you go to your car. When you leave,
please lock the door. Watch the dogs, because they will try to sneak out
and can be impossible to get back in.

THE DOG DOOR: The dog door can stay open or closed, depending on the weather. It's
nice, but Fez has begun to dig. If you see this yell, "NO FEZ" and make
sure he stopped. (SAME APPLIES IF HE GOES INSIDE!) If he is out there by himself, he will do it.
Guaranteed. The older
girls do not know how to use the dog door so you will have to let them
out. They will bark or pace around the door when they need to go out. I
usually let them out about every hour when I am home.

Emergency vet number is on the fridge, hand written on the Banfield Pet
Hospital Number. If something happens, please call us first or Michelle,
the pet sitter. She is a licensed Vet Tech and can answer questions for

Like I said ... I hope she's having fun because I'M NOT EVER DOING THIS AGAIN!!

Just kidding Kaycee - I love you.


At 10:27 PM, Blogger Compulsive Lizzie said...

Good Lord, I'm glad I only have a KID! If you were watching Gabby I'd say, "Don't forget to feed her, you'll figure it out, GOOD LUCK!"

At 7:31 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

This is my favorite part:

" Any
clothes that you do not want chewed, should stay in the closet with the
door closed. The dogs should not be in the closet."

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

Oh I like this part too:

"Lizard: On your way upstairs with bandit, stop in the boys room to mist the gecko
cage and feed crickets."

Hello -- she LIVES IN A ZOO

At 7:34 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...


impossible to get them out and Fez wants to eat the bird."

Bandit the bird eating monster mini dog!

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That list is hysterical!!! I agree with Elizabeth. Here's the food for the dogs, have a good time! LOL! That sounds like way too much work. And she has to do this everyday???? Rub the dog so she can go to sleep at night???? I just tuck my kids in, give them a kiss, and off to bed they go.

Kaycee you have the patience of a saint!

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Kaycee said...

That was the note for the baby sitter. Ha ha. I know, I am anal, but there are so many animals and I was soooo damn nervous to go. We had a great time though! It was awesome! I love you jessica. YOu are the bestest everest! Now you guys know why I get to tired!


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