
Saturday, March 26, 2005

Doggy Kabobs Anyone?

Today I took my first venture out of the zoo to go shopping. I needed to pick up some doggy treats, Easter treats, and breath some non-doggy poop air. I needed time away.

I wrangled all four dogs inside which took approximately 15 minutes. One would come in - the other two would run out, and vice versa. Once free, I had a nice time perusing the LARGEST DOLLAR STORE I've ever seen. I picked up doggy treats, an Easter card for my vacationing sister, and another precautionary bottle of wine before heading home.

Mad barking was what I heard from inside my car when I arrived home. I hurriedly grabbed my bags and trotted indoors where I discover the ultimate downfall in doggy land. I left a tall laundry basket full of crafting supplies: buttons, ribbon, sequence, rhinestones, material, and scissors in the kitchen area while I was out. Like a pack of hyenas they mauled every last shred of it, right down to the cardboard the ribbons were neatly wound upon. Every last one of my poor dead grandmothers buttons, that I was saving to make decorate picture frames out of for the family, were spread from wall to wall. WALL TO WALL, PEOPLE! Doggy kabobs were I could think about.

Block party at 4563 Plum Street everyone!!!! Doggy Kabobs and chilled wine on the menu!

No but really...

I kicked the little fuckers outside while I cried and swept Grandmas buttons off the kitchen floor. Then I crated them all and calmly ate my Ramen noodles in peace.

I'm leaving tomorrow at 9am. I wonder how many mounds of doggy poo I'll have cleaned up by then?

As I sit here the dogs are down stairs and it's strangely quiet.....what could they be in to?

Oh my God one of the dogs just let out a wet fart!!!!

I must go.


At 7:10 AM, Blogger Kaycee said...

The directions specifically said, don't leave anything in the kitchen. They will destroy it. So sorry that they were bad. Fez had some interesting items in his poop today. I think he was trying to decorate his intestines. Ha ha.


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