
Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Gravity Defying Boots

Usually when I fly in an airplane I look through the Skymall Magazine at least once. They have such a mixture of useful and insane merchandise. Most all of it is over priced - but every great while you'll find that thing, that priceless item, that you just can't believe someone else thought of. That product that makes you wonder why YOU COULD NOT HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT. Well ladies and gentleman that product for me - the Gravity Defying Boots. These boots are a great example of someone else's lucrative brain fart.

Holly and I are somewhat avid roller bladers. Ok not really....we are a part of the roller blading community that utilizes a patch of grass to stop from crashing when heading down a hill. I'm not sure if that is what got us using the term "strapping on the roller blades" or if it was a card one of us sent the other. It really makes no difference - the bottom line is that in our "language" the term "strapping on roller blades" usually means to commit suicide. Again, like with the giraffe letter opener, we aren't being literal. We usually use it to describe a particularly bad day. Let me use it in a sentence: Today I nearly stabbed three people with the Giraffe and almost strapped on the roller blades. See?

I'd like for Holly and I to each get a pair of Gravity Defying Boots. What a positive change this would be for us. A) Think of the countless calories we'd be burning thus lessening our time at the gym B) We could get from place to place with such speed while maintaining a tad more speed control C) Bouncing off a cliff is so much more invigorating then rolling off D) All in all I think it'd be a great laugh. I think this is going to be Holly's next birthday gift.


At 7:21 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

hey! you took the other guestbook away! did you see my comment, huh? did you?


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