
Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Q's & A's

I don't have much to blog about today. I had a great weekend with GLCB and now it's over. I won't be able to see him again until November 11th which I think really blows but I'm trying desperately not to dwell on it.

Tonight I am cooking dinner for some of my close friends. I was going to do Cranberry Chicken but for budget purposes, and because of some last minute shopping, I chose a premarinated pork loin instead. Either way it should turn out good. Now I just have to get my fanny home in time to pick up a little. I have a cat puke stain on the carpet by the sliding glass doors that I need to take care of.

My Cell phone antenna broke. Will it matter?

My sister sent me an interesting questionnaire that she made up today. I thought I'd post it. My answers are in red but you should feel free to answer or think about these questions yourself. She just started a blog too. Could it be that the questionnaire and blog are a result of having too much time on her hands at her new temp job? Probably. Welcome to the wide world of office jobs - Kaycee.

Kaycee's questionnare:

My sister-in-law Stephanie inspired me to create a more "creative" email survey. Be as creative as possible with your answers.
  1. What would your "stage" name be if you were an erotic dancer? Curtis Bean
  2. Who would win in a presidential election between Mighty Mouse and He-man and why? Who should be their running mates? Mighty Mouse - size doesn't determine the measure of a mans power and he seems to have a much more uplifting way of handling things. We shouldn't overlook the little ones. Running mates -- Road Runner and Papa Smurf.
  3. 3. Who would win in a fight between a grizzly bear and a 12 foot iguana? Why? The Grizzly Bear -- he has more hair & fat for protection against deadly wounds .
  4. What would the worst slogan for a daycare business?
    Neverland - Childcare Brought to you by M. Jackson.
  5. If someone asked you what you have been doing since high school what would you say? Call Equifax
  6. What is the scariest thing you have ever seen? A women with a mustache and chest hair in an Lompoc AM/PM selling cigarettes greeting customers with an Elvis impersonation.
  7. If the government created an mutant animal to guard our boarders, what animals would they combine? A swordfish alligator a.k.a Swordillator
  8. How many women does it take to change a light bulb? How many arms and legs does she have?
  9. If you could give one piece of advice to children what would it be? Don't be afraid to try new foods and don't feel like you have to put ketchup on everything.
  10. If you could change one thing in history, what would it be and how would you change it? Since I'm taking the time out of my day to complete this crazy questionnaire I'm going to change something in my history. In light of recent events I would have never lived with any of my boyfriends and I would have done this by listening to my parents.


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