
Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bad Review Repair

I'm in the second day of my bad review repair. Apparently I've been not-so-great in the last 60 days of work. A few of the things listed during my pre-bad-review-review were:

  1. In Late
  2. Leaves dishes in sink
  3. Moody
  4. Head not in the game

She didn't go over the rest of the list with me ( a list) because I admitted to being unaware of any issues. She asked me if there has been something going on in the last 60 days that I needed to talk about? I said no, but then after more thought I came up with these items:

  1. Quit smoking
  2. Quit/cut back on drinking
  3. Stopped taking appetite suppressant (don't want to talk about this)
  4. Stopped taking birth control
  5. Drained my checking account on 7 weddings
  6. Fell in love
  7. Started going to the gym at 5am (ok 6:15am)

She didn't go over the rest of the list and instead gave me some time to think about our talk. She wanted me to try and figure out if I was just unhappy here at work or if there really IS something going on. I'm glad she did that because I think the list above shows quite clearly that YES things are going on!

Not that I'm trying to make excuses, because NONE of those item have ANYTHING to do with work, but I think I might have unknowingly been bringing my personal life to work. Seeing as I spend most of my waking hours here -- that doesn't seem too unfathomable.

Attempted Solution:

  1. keep my cell phone off at work
  2. remove all unwork related stuff off my compter
  3. take little to no personal calls (except from family)
  4. take lunches in the conference room, behind closed doors, so I can separate my personal "stuff" from my desk (I usually take "working lunches" which might be confusing to coworkers if I'm blogging, eating, processing paperwork and answering phones at the same time),
  5. shoot for getting to work at 8:15am since I can't seem to get my ass here at 8:30 no matter how hard I try,
  6. stop blaming the stop-lights on my tardiness... and last but not least ............
  7. USE PAPER PRODUCTS! ( I really feel that I was unfairly blamed for the dishes).

Now I just need to communicate this to my boss. Oh and I MIGHT start looking for a new job. I've been here for 4 years now, I feel like this has tarnished my rep, and unfortunately one of the people that noticed my bad behavior is one of those types that once you're on their bad side you have to sacrifice a lamb to repair it. There are no lambs in Alexandria. Holly made a good point in that more change might not be what I need right now. She might be right.

Off to NC again tonight. Can't wait to see GLCB.


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

I had a bad review once. But the boss who gave it to me was an ass. And I had two bosses at the time and all the things the assboss said the other boss complained about? The other boss said the assboss was making up. Ass. Not to mention I was going through a divorce, calling the sheriff in the mornings to avoid abuse,was homeless and living with my brother, dealing with trying to close escrow ... just a couple of things. And he complained I was taking too many personal calls at work. Like, where was I supposed to take them? I didn't have a home. Sorry. I apparently am feeling moody today.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

Yea, I'm feeling ya! I could have probably tried harder to switch in to "work mode" more often though. It might have helped relieve the stress of real life. Oh well.

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Jammie J. said...

My take on your situation is this.

It sounds like you've taken the criticism in good stead (better than I would have).

You've identified steps to improve. Implementing them will be hard.

It is always good to keep your ear to the ground for other job opportunities. Not that you're going to run out the door at a drop of a hat but because you need to know what's out there.

If the problems are ones that you're bringing to the table, changing jobs won't fix it. You'll just bring your bad food to a different table. (Hey, that was kind of a funny analogy, wasn't it?)

And, remember, keep your chin up.

At 5:07 AM, Blogger Compulsive Lizzie said...

funny...on the page to leave a comment?...the first line of your blog says "MoodyHead" as one word. That's your new nickname, MoodyHead.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Jessiedc28 said...

Moodyhead -- that's me. Happy - not happy - happy - not happy - Happy - not happy..............

At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've already stopped them all for 60 days now. I can't go back and restart and then restop! Bad advice Courtney! :0)


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