Armadillos and Star Bellies
Long Story Short: On the way home from San Antonio, Eric and I met a guy named Bryan. Bryan plays guitar all around the world, and locally too. We went to check him out last Saturday with our friend Rich. Rich is the bass player in Eric's band,
Beggars By Noon. Rich lives in
Annapolis, Maryland. I'd never been to Annapolis. Bryan was playing in Annapolis at a bar called Armadillo's. We went to Annapolis to see Bryan play and to hang out with Rich.
Please scroll, in a downward motion, to view the pictures of our night together....

Here is Bryan Ewald -- the guy we met on the plane. He plays in a band called Starbelly (not sure if that's one word or two).

That would be Eric and Bryan.

Eric said I was dancing and singing in his ear during this shot. I think I was commenting on the big boobied girls that were sitting on the floor in front of the stage like chubby college-age sluts...did I just say that?

Me, Eric, and Rich ...probably didn't need to be that close to the camera but what can you do?

Rich and I geekin out here to the left. We love one another. In a bass player and guitar_player's_girlfriend kind of way. I think we all agreed though -- that if Eric died tomorrow -- I'd have a legitimate crush on Rich.
Look at the size of my f'ing head in that picture!
More dillo's

Here we are - the cute couple - at Armadillo's in Annapolis.

Here is the proof that even though I love Rich, I love Eric more. No matter what I do, I just can't keep my hands off Eric's ass!

And besides, it's
so obvious that we're meant to be!
Sentence Structure
I've come to realize, most recently, that paying attention to the sentence diagramming lesson, given in my high school English class, would have been very helpful in not only English - but Spanish as well.
I'm sure I was rolled up in a joint somewhere during that lesson in high school. I faintly remember the teacher writing sentences on the board and then drawing all kinds of lines in and around them. Using terms like "Pronoun" and "adverb". Or even "possessive noun" and "past participle".... What EVER -- I did not pay attention and now it is so hurting. (Past participle? Nothing should be named that.)
Right now in Spanish we're learning Reflexive Verbs....or something along those lines.. and I gotta tell ya -- I am CON_FUSED! I know nothing about passive aggressive pronouns, or whatever they're called. Those language structure words confuse me alone, much less their meaning, or heaven forbid where they actually fit in a sentence!!
We're also going from conjugating verbs to conjugating verbs that change spelling mid-conjugation. So I'm learning new vocab, unreasonable spelling, and post partum pronouns...will I ever pass all 4 semesters of Spanish?
My summer semester is a condensed one. 8 weeks. I'll be taking 9 hours of spanish a week. Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 6pm until 9:10pm. Holy Shit. My brain might really explode. I can't afford to take the summer off though -- if I loose my Spanish I'll have to start over and I have to have 4 semesters to get in to the teaching program! Sheesh!!
The Bar

This is Eric's favorite picture from the trip....

Here is Liz and I getting ready. Only a man would take a picture like this might I add.

Eric and I. I'm gonna guess this was after a shot that Liz and JC gave us.

Us. All. Just hanging.

Here is the picture from our short, yet very nice, visit with Schwenk. For those of you who don't know who she is -- she is the following:
- The secretary from our highschool back in the early 90s.
- My confermation sponsor
- The giver of my first pair of thong underwear
- A recent hysterectomy patient
- A Woman in her early somethings with a great rack!!!
- And "hot" aparently, per Eric and JC
We love her.
Lots of Eating

Here we all are at the Magic Time Machine where Liz's boyfriend JC works. He's the Jedi on the left.

Here - Liz and I are committing to our friendship via Margarita

This here is Eric and I, dressed for St. Patty's Day, at the Magic Time Machine.

Eric opted for the pink Margarita...I mean Strawberry Margarita
Down Town - Tour

Here is Eric displaying the Spirit of San Antonio

Eric and I at a peaceful fountain....

This is "Marriage Island". It's a teeny tiny island that people get married on several times a year. Eric and I didn't get married there because he's taking forever to propose.

Some evil Texan strapped these sex craved animals together
Down Town Riverwalk

Eric is meditating on a piece of mosiac art work. He's feeling good, obviously.

Here is Eric and Liz taking a break from walking the River Walk

This is an interesting looking stump we discovered on our down town journey. Huh....

Liz and Eric are here posing in front of the Alamo. They kept calling this a "Jessica Pose". Huh....
Wilderness Ranch

Here I am at the Wilderness Ranch

The ranch is essentially a drive through zoo -- and you can feed any animal that comes up to your car...they didn't come up to our car THANK GOD

This was our first zoo resident encounter. Yes, it was this crazy! More with the big O later.

Eric was our food representative for the day.
The Ostrich
This is the Ostrich. The first zoo resident we came up on. He was lightening fast and kept mistaking the door lock for a food pelet! I shook with fear.

Buffalo Eric

THis was the buffalo. Eric's favorite animal.

See, here he is close.

Here - he's closER

Here, he's just TOO CLOSE.
Z is for Zebra
These guys made me want to see Racing Stripes all over again!

The Last Day
Here we are on our last day in San Antonio! We did some preairport go-carting and then off we went!

We one these teeth at the Arcade by the Go Cart place

Here is me, reading in sadness, at the airport!
I got a 94% on my last History Test. We haven't had class for 3 weeks so I almost forgot that I'd be getting my grade back last night. Spanish is proving to be my most challenging classes. I have a feeling that it will continue to be my most challenging class for all 4 semesters. I think I'm going to cut down to 1 class for the summer so I can really concentrate on the Spanish. It's A LOT of memorization and then technical sentence structuring too. It's just hard and I get confused easily. Probably partly due to my class being after work, when my brain has been mostly used up anyway!
The pictures from the trip are currently uploading to my computer so I will have those up very shortly.I just found out that my Aunt has terminal cancer. I'm SO SAD! She's the youngest of the girls on my Dad's side. She has two daughters about my age. She is the most religious of the aunts and probably the most moral, golden rule following, of the bunch. It's just so shitty, quite frankly, that she's come down with this disaster of a disease.
Let us all remember two very important things:
1) MOM'S DIE. Go call yours right now and tell her that you love her.
2) Go get a breast exam!
Eric and I watched
Grizzly Man (I think that's what it's called...) last night. Anyone seen it?
We're back
We landed back home on Monday night at 11:30PM. We had a great time in Texas with many adventures and exiting happenings to report. I do have pictures and I’ll be uploading them either later today or tomorrow. I haven’t checked yet but you may find some interesting pictures and stories on
We arrived in Texas on Thursday night after a long, loud, day of flying. Somehow Eric and I got the short end of the stick and ended up sitting next to the airplane engine on both legs of the flight. Unable to hear the Ipod, the movie playing on the laptop, each other, or our own internal thoughts – we were both quite “over it” by landing time. We did get smart and ask for a seating change for the trip back.
Eric passed out pretty much as soon as we got to Liz’s apartment. Liz and I stayed up and did the whole best friend – drink til you drop and talk about old times thing. Probably best that Eric was asleep.
On day 2 we set out to find a hotel. That in itself was an adventure. Last week was Spring break for San Antonio so all the attractions: The Alamo, Fiesta Texas, Sea World, etc. brought in more tourists that I expected, therefore, nearly every hotel was booked. No room at the Inn for me, Eric or baby Jesus had he been with us. After much searching we landed at a hotel that was .0002% short of a roach motel.
Room #1 – After checking-in we walked in to our room and discovered two ladies, one of which had gold teeth and the "wet-look", were currently occupying the room. Not sure if the hotel overbooked or if the ladies weren’t ready to check out when instructed. Something reaked of hooker.
Room #2 – smelled like feet & only one, of the two, beds were made. Who was sleeping in the unmade bed? No one knows. Not even the nice cleaning lady who offered to make the bed back up and "spray" to remove the smell. Eric requested another room.
Room #3 – We’ll take it. The coffee pot had been used and not cleaned for probably weeks but the room smelled decent. We had free high-speed internet and HBO (Sopranos on Sunday night)
The rest of the week was filled with lots of eating, some drinking, site seeing, shopping, go-carting, and pampering. We left on Sunday afternoon and, unlike the flight TO Texas, we got to watch 2 DVDs on our laptop on the way home. Once we landed it was time to head back to the house but not before some unexpected last minute happenings.
I did not pack for DC weather when I left. Actually, I did, but it was warmer here when we left then it was when we came home. I only had open-toed high heels, a few t-shirts, and a spring jacket with me. When we landed in Baltimore it was just under 30 degrees. As a result I went rummaging through Eric’s suitcase to find some warmer clothes: Tennis shoes, thermal, and long socks. I snagged a fleece coat out of my suitcase and off we went. went my underwear, hair product, shoes, hair dryer, and other bits and pieces of the inside of my suit case. Oops!! We forgot to zip it up. Yea, so I’m scrambling to pick up my dirty thongs from the floors of the crowded my hair product goes a rollin’. Ugh! On the Shuttle. Off the shuttle. Walk tot he car. Bad sign. Automatic locks are working.....I left my lights on and the battery was DEAD. Good thing I put on warmer clothes for the walk to the call box for assistance. We got home about 1am.
Even with the post-trip fuck-ups I felt all rejuvenated when I came home. Now, it’s back to stressful square one here at work but at least I have the pictures to remember it!
Spring break is over...
BUT.... (!!)...el jueves por la noche salimos para San Antonio!!! So eat your heart out e-net! No, but really -- I'm excited. Work has been hell-acious lately and I need the break. From work. The break from school was much appreciated. I had my first night of class tonight and I definitely felt rejuved.
Yesterday I went to visit Dr. P, my podiatrist. I can't remember if I told you but I had to get orthodics. Once upon a time I had bunion surgery -- I know -- embarrassing, right? Well Jesus just didn't bless me with pretty feet -- what can I say? So in order to prevent the self induced bone malformation from recurring - I should/need to wear orthodics. The good news is that I have a crush on my podiatrist -- so any excuse to see him is great.
I have always had a crush on Dr. P. but not a --
Oh my God, I want to rip all your clothes off and do you in the exam room -- kind, no. Not
that kind of crush. It's more of a
Oh my gosh! Look at that cute upper upperclassman walking towards my locker. Isn't he just dreamy?? -- kind of a way. There's a big difference.
Dr. P is probably in his late 30's, very early 40's. He's kind of Soprano-ish. Probably Italian and from New Jersey, but has a degree from Penn State. The New Jerseyish accent is faint but definitely there. He dresses nicely and is always smiling. Married. And there's just something calming about a guy that clips toe nails for the elderly on a daily basis. He doesn't judge based on the outlook of your feet. (I won't name names but
Liz is a foot judger! She's been telling me I have ugly feet since 1992.)
My first visit back to Dr. P was after a two year "break" and I was still giddy with foot doctor love, even after all this time. I blushed with embarrassment when he picked the sock fuzz from between my every toe. I was eager to talk about the things I'd been doing in the last two years (school, eric, work etc.)but this time, unlike before, Dr. P wasn't talking to me...he was talking to
my chest. I dismissed it -- thinking maybe he liked my brooch? My necklace? Maybe he caught a glimpse of my mega cool red hair extensions? No, he boobie peeked several times. I kept placing my hand over the v-neck of my jacket...trying not to look too obvious in case I had mis understood his glares.
But I definitely had an oogy feeling when I left. Like, Ew, was Dr. P flirting with me? He
was looking at my boobies, brooch or necklace. He
was picking the toe fuzz. He said phrases like "Because I like you so much" and "normally our office manager calls the insurance company to verify coverage but for you I'm going to do it personally. Right now."
A few weeks after my first appointment I called to reschedule the follow up. After I talked to the office manager and set a new date she said "Hold On" and he got on the phone to ask me what my excuse was for canceling on him. Finally, when I went to pick up my
sexy orthodics (I've been calling them my Prada inserts) he attempted to convince me to make an appointment in 4 ot 6 weeks for another follow up. Probably just so he could pick my toe fuzz! Ok maybe not for that reason but he did say something about how "some people like to come back in 4 to 6 weeks to discuss how the orthodics are coming along" -- and that I could do that -- unless I "didn't like him and never wanted to see him again" but that "it was my call and I could think about it". FLIRT. FLIRT. FLIRT!
So now my crush is gone and I feel like a foot-ho.
A dirty dirty foot ho. I don't know. Maybe I'm being paranoid. Conceited? Maybe. But
without a doubt our interaction made me feel like a girl who had a crush on her freshmen English teacher and then the day she graduated he asks her out on a date.
Sopranos Party
Last night we had a Sopranos party. Eric cooked Veal Parmesan for the first time and it came out superb! We had dinner with Eric's best friend John and his girl Claudia. To prepare, I conferred with a online wine geek chat room as to which wine would best suit that meal. Chianti was the winner, which was pretty good, but I can only do so much red. I,m really a white girl (pun intended).
Eric's been watching hours and hours of the last season to refresh his memory. I ended up seeing a few shows with him. I had given upsopranosno's some time ago. The story line was getting way to stressful and I had NO DESIRE to see Adriana get killed. But then I did. Yesterday. And I was sick and sad for most of the afternoon. Hopefully now that I've gotten past that I can watch this season with Eric without too much stress. If I can't, and it gets to be too much, I'll just retire to the bedroom and watch Law & Order until the show is over. I see no reason to torture myself, and cause bad dreams, if I don't have to. Last night I dreamt that Janice was my sister. No good. We'll see how the 2nd chance goes.
Annual Car Wash
I did my annual car wash last week. My boss was out of town and the weather was going to be 70 degrees this weekend so I figured it’d be best to take care of that task in the morning before I head in to the office. I knew the car wash lines would be INSANE this weekend and that feeling of urgency to wash my car never sticks with me for long. Best that I handled it immediately. Before I went through the car wash, I retrieved lots of good recycling from my back seat & gathered up all the hats, scarves & gloves so that I can pack them up with the winter stuff. I discovered not 1, not 2, but THREE umbrellas!! About two dollars in change. There were 3 balled up Wendy’s bags, an endless number of empty coffee cups from Dunkin Doughnuts, a dress I’ve been meaning to get altered for months now, and a plethora of pens and pencils. I get my new CD player installed on Wednesday – so I’ll be able to listen to Will Hoge in the car with my sun roof open in no time. All the recent spring like weather makes all this much more exciting!
At the car wash I was approached by a very large black man. He was was gettin’ down to slow jams over there while drying off his car – and I guess he just thought I needed to make a friend. Or a boyfriend. He had a big ole smile and in his most sultry, slow jam kinda-mood voice said, “Hey pretty lady – how you doin’ today?” He proceeded to convince me that I needed my tires to be sprayed with his magic tire spray stuff. It would really pimp up my car or something, he said. He went on and on about how much he “respected a female” that cared so much about her car. He noted how hard I seemed to be working to make my car look nice and for that I should allow him to spray (“free of charge”) all my tires with his tire magic. I was flattered! It was nice to get the credit I deserved for purchasing a $6 car wash at the gas station! It takes dedication to drive through that bristly wash room once a year! THANK YOU car wash Mac-Daddy for the praise I needed.
Since he was so generous in his compliments I allowed him to spray my tires with the magic tire spray love potion. And he was right! That shit made my tires look dope! Dope I tell you!! Unfortunately, the drive through car wash didn’t get all the grime from my factory hub basically I had shiny black tires with dingy, dirty, grimy factory hub-caps --
I drove off and waved a big thank you to the car wash mac daddy – but I decided not to leave Eric for him. I didn’t get the impression that he knew me that well......
They just built a new Whole Foods here in Old Town (where I work). It looked HUGE from the outside -- and today I went and checked it out --
I've always had an attraction to nice grocery stores. There's something just so amazing about neatly stacked fruits and vegetables. Or when the store goes the extra mile to actually mist the veggie section. Added thunder to the mist hikes up my enjoyment oh so much. I like an artful wine section. Food samples are always a bonus. Wine and Cheese tasting -- so great. So I make it my duty to check out new grocery stores. My favorites? Harry Teeter & Whole Foods. Trader Joes is ok too -- but it's fairly small and they don't really get new selections....
The new Whole Foods on Duke street is a Palace of Organic products. They have IT ALL! Fresh fruit slices for taste testing.
I'll have two please! They even have a egg buffet! Like 10 different types of eggs (free range of course) and you get a little basket and pick your own eggs! The wine section is not THE BEST but it's complete. I prefer a wine section that is not like an ordinary grocery store isle -- they should jazz thier wine section up a tad. This storehas a fresh salad buffet, which I love, and a BREAKFAST buffet. A pizzeria. A dining area. Fresh fish placed perfectly atop beautiful mounds of ice. Every shelf is in the store is full as if there's a Whole Foods employee replacing the item as you go along and shop! How DO they do that? All the shelved items are all facing forward like little imperishable soldiers. It's amazing. The cosmetics section is loaded with high priced eye cream, wrinkle cream, hand cream and diaper rash creme! The shampoo section is enormous -- score!
I'm thinking that this new Whole Foods might turn in to my weekly lunch spot.
Go there and get the Tomato Bisque - it's to die for!
Tonight Eric and i are going shopping for a car CD player. On top of every other item that's gone wrong with my car in the last year -- my CD player crapped out on me. I don't know if it was hours and hours of listening to books on tape on it. Or if it had just lived it's life and pooped out of natural causes. Either way -- I have to buy a new one. I must have SOMETHING to play my new Will Hoge CD on. I'm debating on getting a Sirius Radio ready CD player...I shall keep you posted.
Beading and Babysitting
Sunday, after my love affair with Will, I did some babysitting. I babysat my #1 reason to live, Brodie. Well,
I call it babysitting.
My whole scheme is to convince Holly and Curt that they
need a babysitter, "Hey -- why don't you guys bring Brodie over here while you do errands. That will just save you from having to deal with dragging the car seat in and out...much less of a hassle. Think of all the things you'll be able to get done!"
Then I get to kiss, hug, and snuggle my little chubby checker all I want -- meanwhile
they think it's all to benefit them! Ha! Manipulation - it really IS appropriate at times.
So I took a few pics of my #1 Reason to Live during his time in my care. He was lively at first -- busy eating my cell phone and all -- but then he sort of tapered off in to a Jess induced coma.


Today I did some beading.
The earrings are a
little funky for my taste. I copied an idea out of a beading book. But the bracelet I love. I used scrap metal to link all these beads together. Not one bead is like the other.
Crush Fest
Saturday night, as you know, was my surprise date from Eric. We had a fantabulous evening!! Dinner at Morton’s where I had a jumbo steak, mashed potatoes, and a few glasses of wine. Then he whisked me off to the 9:30 Club in DC where I began my crush-fest. A
Will Hoge concert. My third crush-fest to date. Ever since Eric introduced me to one of Will’s CDs, Bird on a Lonely Wire, I've been hooked. Eric has accepted the fact that I mentally cheat on him during those few hours of concert time and he even supports me – I mean literally -- he presses firmly against my back so I don’t collapse to the floor and get trampled.
I love you Eric.
I forgot my glasses at home that night and so we were forced to get all the way up to the front, near the stage, during the show. I was in heaven. Heaven I tell you. I Gawked. And Blushed. Blushed and Gawked. Like this: blush gawk blush gawk blush gawk blush gawk blush gawk. Will is by far the best performer I’ve ever seen –and hotter then a black leather seat in the dessert sun to boot!
Thank Jesus that Eric is fully aware of the depth in which I love Will.
Jessica’s top five reasons to live:1. Brodie
Will Hoge3. Eric
4. Johnny Depp
5. Vlasic Zesty Dill Pickles
Saturday night was a
particularly good show. I think it was a mix of a few new things that made it so great. One thing in particular stands out but I’ll get to that later. Of course I liked the short distance between myself and Will’s body, the new songs from his latest CD, and the added stage presence (back up singers & horn section). As always, every time Will dropped to his knees mid song – I got the butterflies. Every acapella rendition turned my lips blue from lack of oxygen. The slow songs made me turn fiery hot and blush. The sexy songs made me want to do “it” with Eric right there on the floor of the concert hall. And Will’s stage exit made me want to cry out for help. It was just fucking fabulous. No more can really be said.
Post show I had to pee. Clearly my normal body functions were restoring. My breathing became regular, my lips turned puffy and pink once again, and I had to pee. After I peed I got my coat and met Eric over by the promo table where you can buy t-shirts, CDs, and whatnot. As I approached the now crowded merchandise region – I stop – because there in front of me – perched on the counter top – was he. He. Will hotty Hoge in all his sweaty smiley sexy glory. Oh. My. God.
I was speechless and felt physically retarded but I gathered up the muscular control to point him out to Eric -- who then
pushed me -- and tried to force me in to going to say hi to the famous sex pot sitting before me. Thank the almighty Love-God that Will was distracted by the person he was talking to and not noticing the panicked girl being shoved towards him.
Oh no. But thanks anyway. I could not go say hi! Was Eric nuts? Look at me! I am the girl who didn’t bowl until she turned 27 for fear of of of..... well just fear. I’m shy. I don’t walk up to strangers and introduce myself. I REALLY don’t walk up to hot ones. And I REALLY REALLY don’t walk up to HOT FAMOUS ones who make me melt.... like buttah. No. No.
Not unless I’m hiding behind Eric, that is. Eric who has now decided that he MUST ask Mr. Hoge about his guitars, despite my hesitation. 20 minutes in line and finally I was there – and Will was nice –- but I was again retarded.
Eric: “Hey man. Can you do me a favor? Can you please give my girlfriend here a hug and a kiss on the cheek? She’s a really big fan of yours...”
Will: “Sure!”
Me: ......................he’s hugging me he’s hugging me he’s hugging me...he’s done. Let go of The Hoge, Jess, let him go. Down!
Me: “Hi. Hi. Can you.. can you ..sign this for me please?” (I gave him my ticket stub.)
Will: “Sure. Jessica. How do you spell it? Two S’s...a C? “
Me: “I um. You ..... just. Can.. Yea.. um you can -- justmakesomethingup....”
What? Just make it up? The spelling of my name? What is WRONG with me!?

Go buy one of his CDs. You’ll never be the same again.
Mid Term Madness

This is my cousin. He works on a boat or something catching lobster. This is a humongo one. This kinda shit makes me feel cool. I have a cousin that catches dinosaur lobsters.
Last night was my last night of mid-term testing!!! Tonight I have one more Spanish class before I head in to my MUCH needed Spring Break. I plan to stay up late, drink wine after work, and spend time with those otherwise pushed aside. Spring break hear me roar!
Eric said I needed to improve my church manors after last Sunday's church event. What? Scribbling pictures and poking your boyfriend is not appropriate church behavior? Laughing at the retarded & old_fashioned_hymns is
not good? I don't get it. I called Liz to alert her of his charge and she agrees that the ONLY fun part about church is the goofing off part. Take it from us! We used to skip church
every Sunday to smoke
used cigarettes on the bleachers near the base track.
Eric and I are watching the Freaks & Geeks series. I love it. LOVE IT. It is a TV series dream for me. You should rent.
Eric has a surprise event for me on Saturday night. It's been on my calendar for 4 months now and I'm SO CLOSE to figuring out what it is. I'm trying not to think about. NO. IT'S NOT A MARRIAGE PROPOSAL. TRUST ME. So don't ask. In fact never ask me that question again. Let me repeat.
Never ask me if I'm "engaged yet?" or "When are you getting engaged?", and surely not "Oh you're engaged, right?"
I'M NOT ENGAGED AND I DON'T KNOW WHEN I'M GONNA BE ENGAGED AND WHEN YOU'RE NOT ENGAGED BUT YOU WANNA BE ENGAGED IT'S VERY SAD DISAPPOINTING DEPRESSING AND NOT TO MENTION CRUEL WHEN ASKED THOSE QUESTIONS. anyway -- all I know about Saturday's event is that it's around 7ish. I'm to wear jeans and a sexyish shirt, hot hair, and face paint. I also know it takes 20 minutes to get there. Another clue is that we
might be doing whatever it is we're doing with two other people. I asked Eric if the "maybe" people were of reliable kind. He said they "are possibly the most reliable people we know". Do you know people who really want to do something with you, and say they will - right up to the last minute, but then ultimately - they back-out? Aparently the people we might be going with, are not
those people. Knowing this tid-bit of information REALLY helps narrow it down. The list of possibilities:
- Deannie and Dean - but they're going to be in Saint something for a week. Hate them.
- Holly and Curt - babysitting 5 kids for a friend -
- My Mom and Dad - nah...
OK! So there is my list! Who could it be????
Eric and I leave for San Antonio in two weeks from today. We have a mega busy yet fun agenda planned for San Antonio.
Thursday: Get in late - chill
Friday: Riverwalk (boatride) lunch, shop, St. Patties at some bar that Liz knows
Saturday: Tour Texas guitar shops, dinner at the Magic Time Machine were Liz's "friend" works
Sunday: Sea World San Antonio!!!
Monday: Pack, chill and fly out