
Friday, September 30, 2005


I got an A- on my History Test!!!! Woo-hoo!! I'm so excited!!

The Zicam seems to have worked. I still have the crusty nose skin from blowing my nose 80 times in a day, and my hearing is a little shitty because I'm congested, but overall I don't feel really bad at all. I am really looking forward to this weekend.

Yesterday I went to Sephora. That place is like a slice of cosmetic heaven for me. I bought a bunch of stuff but the one I want to tell you about is called Lip Venom. My brothers girlfriend Stephanie told me about this stuff a few months ago. She described it as a painful lip gloss intended to make your lips swell and look pouty whilst bringing forth the "natural color" of your lips. I couldn't help myself -- I had to try it.

I walked in to Sephora and spoke to a woman in all black who directed me to the Pout Station. There I discovered an entire rack full of lip gloss dedicated to making lips pouty and kissable and a lovely hue of deep pink. I tried only the Lip Venom since that was the one recommended to me and sure enough it hurt like hell! I chose the Lip Venom with little gold shimmers and ~ cha-ching ~ bought my overly priced little tube of oral pain. I'm not sure if it actually does poof up your lips. It makes it feel poofy -- because it's hurting and throbbing -- but I'm guessing it's not as effective as a punch in the face might be or a row of cold sores. I do like the shine, shimmer, and the way it prevents you from rubbing it in because you're too afraid to push the pain deeper in to your lip - thus leaving your lips especially glossy for an extended period of time.

My recommendation? Before you go buy this expensive lip pouter - go to your local grocery store and buy a jar of HOT salsa, and smear it on your top or bottom lip. Do you get the lip poof? Are your lips pouty? Does the "natural color" of your lips come forth? (This is actually a mild burn to the flesh so that's what were looking for here...redness) Can you see the blood pulsating through both lips? If so -- and you enjoy the look & feel -- go to your nearest Sephora and buy Lip Venom. It's for you!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Oh yea baby....

Oh yea...I've got a cold. Eric came home and gave me some night time cold/flu stuff and it knocked me out but I woke up feeling YU-KEE! Soar throat, runny nose, tight chest. I feel a little better now. Colds always feel worse right as you wake up but the more you walk around and get your circulation going -- the better you feel. Per Eric's suggestion I stopped and got some Zicam. His boss actually suggested it to him -- swearing that it does what it claims to. "Zicam - Cold Remedy - Actually Shortens the Cold!" We'll see. I'll keep you posted because I'm very interested in this $10 purchase.

I have a Braun battery operated toothbrush that I got just under 2 years ago. I love it! Ever since I've been using it the dentist has been kissing my pearly whites. They think I floss now! They think I brush 80 times a day! They rave! I don't do any of those things. I brush once (twice if I'm not too lazy) and I rarely floss unless I've got a piece of pork chop stuck up in my teeth. The Braun that I bought came with a single round head brush that did WONDERS. Wonders I tell you! Recently Gillette put out a new brush head called "Dual Action" -- eh hem...twice the action = bull HONKY! These brushes are A) too big B) not nearly as gum penetrating C) and leave a film on my teeth. Red wine actually sticks to my teeth. To the tune of $20/per pack of brush heads -- I was pretty pissed off about my bunk purchase. So once again I tapped in to the online customer service - service. Gillette wrote me back last night to say that they appreciate my feedback and will report it to the company -- and they are sending me replacement toothbrush heads. The kind I like. Score!

I went to CVS to buy some replacement deodorant. I've been struggling with the white film all over my shirt because I normally use Sure solid. I decided to try Mitchem invisible (I think that's what it's called). I put it on, go to work, come home smelling like a summer metro ride. B_A_D! This has been my experience with most clear deodorants by the way. They just don't have the same powerful protection AND I'M NOT A SWEATY GIRL! I do sweat but not through my shirts and whatnot. How hard can it be to make a clear deodorant for me??? So I went online to tap in to the Mitchem customer service - service - nothing. I couldn't find anything. Why is that? Now I have $3 worth of deodorant that sucks. Does anyone have a clear deodorant suggestion?

As for the heel yesterday -- I tossed those deceased shoes as soon as I could. I went to Holly's and had to use my emergency flip flops that I keep over at her house -- in case of an emergency -- such as busting my heel in Old Town or -- going to Holly's after having a bad day -- Going to Holly's to watch L&O, Going to Holly's to put on someone's sweat pants, get drunk, & smoke cigarettes. So now I have to go out and buy some decent autumn shoes. The seasons have changed. There is just nothing better then a good reason to buy shoes!

Now excuse me while I go suck on my Sucrets Complete......

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Monday night I slept out on Eric's parents couch cuz I was roasting in our bedroom. Even with the fan on it was just too hot to bear...bare (?). The cool leather couch made for a nice bed. Last night I decided since the weather has cooled down to about the 60s at night it might be nice to sleep with the window open. Ain't nothing like the whirl of a fan and the sound of crickets during the night. I will admit that I was a little chilly at points throughout the night. I will also say that based on my observation; Eric rolled like a burrito in all of our covers and sleeping in the fetal position, that Eric might have been feeling a little cool as well. Never the less we were NOT hot and I woke up feeling down right perky, dude.

I had a busy day -- I worked hard -- made a few extra bucks after work by babysitting -- sneezed -- coughed -- sniffled -- winced when I swallowed -- ugh -- oh -- I think I done fucked up. I think I gave myself a cold with that autumn breeze last night. I've probably had 10 colds in my entire life. I am not ENTIRELY sure this is a cold yet. I'm not the snotty, stuffy, red nosed, crying person that I have been during colds. All I know is that I definitely have a sore throat. A throat that feels like it gave birth to a porcupine.

I'm drinking Throat Coat and I just took 4 advil. Eric should be home to administer my Nyquil very shortly......

Cross your fingers this is not a cold. I get to baby-sit Brodie on Friday and I'm sure Holly will not risk me blowing snot all over his sweet little body if she thinks I have a cold.

Think positive thoughts or I'll come over to your house and lick all your eating utensils and cough on your pillow case....


I'm broken. Today I was walking through the colonial streets of Old Town Alexandria when I broke a shoe heel off in a crack in the brick sidewalks. Sucks! The good news is that I get to buy new shoes now but the bad news is that I have to walk around our office, which is presently filled with our entire senior management, pretending NOT to limp. EMBARASSING! I have tried to break the other one off but I'm too scared! What if I break it more then the first one and end up with 1/2 of a shoe?

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Weekend News

Friday night Eric, his parents, and I watched Crash. It's a very good movie but very intense. I had tense dreams following that movie. It did make you think twice about some of the thoughts that go through your mind though. Have you seen it?

Saturday I helped Eric and his brother at the condo. I put primer on the walls in the kitchen and we went to the Container Store to design our new closet organizer. FUN!! I can't wait to put that up!!! Hello basket drawers and shoe racks!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for my beautiful pearl necklace from Lizzy. It was a nice surprise yesterday as I was covered in paint and primer. I love it!

Saturday night Holly and I went to see a sneak preview of the movie, In Her Shoes. It was with Cameron Diaz and Shirley McClain. I loved it. It was a little long -- but fulfilled every chick-flick need and was great to see with my best friend. I want to see every Shirley M. movie now. I love that old nut bag!

Today Eric is playing the drums in his brothers church and I'm going to watch. These are the things one must do to pay his brother back for all the free construction work he's been doing to help us get back on our feet. I think it's cute. I'll probably be secretly snickering to myself as Eric has his rock debut at Sunset Baptist at 11am.

This afternoon it's back to the grinding stone with more painting and preparation for our big return home. I'm thinking that maybe by next weekend we'll be sleeping at our house. Staying here at his Moms has been hella nice but being around all of our stuff yesterday kind of made me miss home.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

History 101

For those of you that read my blog you might know how I feel about my history teacher. He's a nut and more lately he's been driving me absolutely nuts. He gets off point. Spends upwards of 45 minutes talking about non US History subjects and he insists on having current event argument time for the first 30 minutes of class. So I composed this letter in my head last night on my way to the school. I was all wound up and anxious about my first test of the semester and praying that he was not going to spend 30 good studying minutes on his crappy current events.

Dear Fatso,

I don't appreciate the 30 minutes of current events which should really be called, "Tell me what your current event is and let me talk about how you don't have your facts straight and I'm always right and you're wrong". If I wanted to sit around and listen to men and woman arguing about politics, and the ins and outs of Democrat vs. Republican, I'd stay home and watch those old guys with big eye brows and boring suits bicker at each other with my Dad. The bottom line: If it's not on the test, and it's not going to advance me towards a teaching degree, under the heading of Early US History, then PLEASE shut the fuck up! I am paying you to teach me facts about early US history - not to hear your statistics on the amount of money the US has spends in battling The War On Poverty or to hear you recite the "fact"
that the Starbucks CEO is now spending more on his employees healthcare then he is on the goods he needs to actually make our $5/cup of coffee. How much NPR do you listen to anyway!? Then to threaten a lesser grade unless we participate in your political mud wrestling contest? Appalling.

I work a full week 40 hours week and then come to your 7:30-1030pm class so excuse me if I don't feel like getting out of class 10 or even 2 minutes late because you got over heated about a quote Barbara Bush may or may not have said on good morning America, three years ago.


I'm not saying that I hate political science. I am saying that I hate the discussion of the topic of political science. I personally wish that everyone would agree to disagree and if you think you can do it better -- do it! But please allow me to be the function in society the way that I'd like to and stop force feeding me your political woes! Politics frustrates me and I think it's rude to forcibly inject others with your political views - especially to the tune of a gazillion dollars an hour -- at a community college. You might should start a blog.

Thanks for listening,


...............But then after class I felt bad about mentally ranting to my teacher because I really think I rocked my test! And he got major teacher points for putting on the test exactly what he said he was going to. And I realized that most of my frustration probably came from the Enlightenment, the Scientific Revolution, and the Protestant reformation - bouncing off of my brainicles. Now that I'm past the stress hump of the first test I realize it was really just some crazed anger I drummed up in my head on the way to class preparing to fail and then blame others.....Specifically the teacher for clouding my already damaged brain cells with politics. Eck.....

Posh? Me?

I do realize that it might have been a bit brazen for me to go and indulge in a one hour full body massage, followed by a Venti decaffeinated Chai Tea, and a good read in my PJs last night while Eric was lifting, heaving, installing, mudding, and preparing our condo for our comfort and living. I do. I even realize some might think my teeny weeny need to pamper myself now and again seems lately to be slightly inconvenient, girlie, maybe even prissy, insensitive or rude. I DO realize that moving furniture and sucking up saw dust is a silly thing to do directly after a manicure, especially if you have a shade of red in mind. Red chips.

There are two scenarios in my life -- controllable stressors and uncontrollable stressors. We Vesely's live by these terms. Basically -- it's a good way to write off a stressful situation where there is really no other option.

For example: If I were asked to cancel my manicure and pedicure for the greater good of the family because something must be done urgently to prepare the house for remodeling - I would. Manicures and pedicures, particularly ones done at the American Salon for $38, are not top of the line spa treatments that require lengthy rescheduling periods or sleepless nights of anxiety. Those are just "utility" sessions if you will. No skin off my back..or callus off my foot.

Controllable Stressor: We were on a high priority time crunch crucial to the repair of our condo and my nail appointment was cheap and at your local strip mall nail place. Therefore cancellation request - granted.

On second hand: If I were asked to come directly home after a one hour full body massage, that had been scheduled for 2 months, was given to me with a half off coupon, and HAD to be used before September 30th, to help lift a heavy 80 gazzillion pound vanity for the greater good of our soon to be trendy bathroom - I'd not hesitate to decline. Why waste an $85 massage to lift the trendier of two vanities? The only other option would be to cancel and reschedule the appointment, and unlike the American Nail Salon at our local strip mall, this spa is only open 3 days a week and my deadline is one week away. Spa policy says that if they can't reschedule me I'd be paying for my massage anyway. Having only 3 hours notice before the massage did not give me enough time to reschedule. That's not even weighing the physical and emotional let down I would have to endure. Also - I'm on my period which means a bad mood was eminent.

Uncontrollable Stressor: I had 3 hours notice. I had an appointment I made 2 months ago and a very nice spa that's only open 3 days a week. I had a half off coupon. I'm not the only one with arms with which to lift. There is just no other option then to keep my massage appointment.

I swear from the bottom of my prissy little heart that I will not schedule any more spa treatments (even though there are birthday spa gift certificates surrounding me right now) until all my required manual labor is completed.

My Oath:

I, Jess V, will refrain from manicures, pedicures, massages, facials, and alike until given the approval of the construction crew at the aforementioned swamp. I will ignore chipping toe nail polish, broken finger nails, sore muscles, exhaustion, relaxation, and aromatherapy oils. I will only schedule home improvements during free time and ask permission before indulging in anything relaxing or fun. From the bottom of my heart - I promise.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Soothe me...

A few months back I received a coupon in the mail from one of my many spas offering me a special birthday rate for a massage of my choice. Of course being the spa whore that I've become I called immediately to schedule my hour of bliss. To say the least -- after all this flood crap -- I need it. My back is sore. My neck is sore. I'm tired. I want to be rubbed in to a drooling hump on a table whilst sucking up the aromatherapy vapors and listening to a calming CD. I'm sure you can imagine that -- I CAN'T WAIT. Sorry condo! Sorry boyfriend! Sorry history test I should be studying for! I need this! I've been looking forward to it for months now and aside from a little drive in rush hour traffic -- this evening is going to be fan-fucking-tastic!

Almost back in business

Who da thunk that vacuuming concrete could be therapeutic? Well it turns out it was for me yesterday. I "worked from home" yesterday in attempt to help Eric and his brother Bryan do some repairs at the condo. At first when I got there my taking the day to help out seemed ...fruitless. They were busy hanging dry wall and I was slamming my fists on the table trying to pull wireless internet out of my ass - with no luck. So I packed up my laptop and went back to work for a few hours to get some much needed in-office stuff done before heading back over to the construction site.

The boys determined that I'd be most helpful as a construction site cleaning lady. I know they just thought I looked totally hot in with that jumbo shop vac hose in hand sucking the life out of our concrete flooring - but whatever -- it felt good to be helpful AND to make our little disaster of a home look a tad on the clean side.

What does a construction site cleaner do?

  1. Pick up dry wall scraps
  2. Pick up and sort nails & screws (bent and useless/straight and usable)
  3. Throw away fast food soda cups
  4. Make a Starbucks run
  5. Gather and distribute pencils
  6. Stack, sort, and centralize tools
  7. Shop vac the crap out of the floor picking up dry wall and saw dust
  8. Clean the muck out of the kitchen sink
  9. Haul out trash

The whole afternoon was very therapeutic. It changed the face of the condo in my eyes. And we now have walls. I love walls. No more exposed pipes. No more naked condo. The kitchen sink no longer looks like we slaughtered a pig in it and since we have water we got to FINALLY do the dinner dishes from 3 weeks ago. Score!

Here's my public service announcement: The reason we had this problem is because of BUNK piping in our condo (Polybutylene Plumbing or PB piping). Piping that is actually so bad that they have some class action law suit because of it and even some TV commercials begging people to contact the consumer plumbing recovery center if that piping has destroyed your home. It's an 80's fad -- so if you have a home, built in the 80's, check to see if you have this bunk piping before you are wading in a swamp you once called "living room". Or more importantly -- if you're getting ready to buy a home -- check out the pipes first!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

If I died tomorrow

I didn't write today because i was "working from home" and therefore working on the condo. However I did get to spend part of my day with Holly and Brodie which made me think:

If I died tomorrow -- I'd be happy because:

  1. I saw my sister get married
  2. I bought an air brushed t-shirt at the beach
  3. I learned how to mow the lawn
  4. I bought a condo
  5. I put the most beautiful babies I can think of to sleep
  6. I was the foster-sister to over 15 kids
  7. I graduated high school
  8. I did every drug I was curious about and was not terminally addicted to one of them
  9. I found my night in shining armour all wrapped up in my best friend of 8 yrs
  10. I tried and denounced "nondenominational Chrisitanity" and it's teachings...praise Starbucks!
  11. I fell in love with my 1979 Delta 88 enough to wish I had one today & paid property tax on it.
  12. I saw New kids On The Block twice in concert (eat your heart out girls...and Joey is MINE!)
  13. I loved my little, shitty brother long enough for him to give me a diamond necklace
  14. I met lizzy and fell in love with her
  15. I was allowed to know Holly and fall in love with her too
  16. I guessed Gabby's birthdate and was jipped out of the name bet.
  17. Was given Brodie out of pure bestfriendism & out of the love of the fertility Gods who OWED US A LIL' SOMETHING -- GOD DAMN IT -- especialy after the few years he'd had.
  18. I worshiped the friend pyramid - which brought me much reason
  19. I trusted those who were shitty even though the odds were against me: Learn Learn; Learn....
  20. I ate cream cheese after 12 years of denial
  21. I have over come bowling
  22. I have done something I will not admit online
  23. I walked in on my boyfriend cheating on me - red handed - NOT ERIC
  24. I have committed to someone I swore was "just a friend"
  25. I've been arrested
  26. I was arrested and learned that cinder block walls should NOT be painted pink
  27. holly+pinot noir+comfy pants+baby+pinot noir+comfy pants+Gilmore Girls+Law and Order + Pinot Noir + Brodie + CSI + Curt + Tacos + The Green Sweat Pants + Brodie + "us" + the "once we had a convertible" = Glad to Be alive
  28. Brussel Sprouts
  29. Pickled Pigs Feet
  30. I met Jenny Webster, Rachel Golden, Melissa Slusher, Andrea Vail, and Jacey Smith and have not yet grown horns.
  31. I survived without those girls being my friends.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Best Birthday Ever

I had the best birthday ever! It was really great. Thank you to all those who gave me all those sweet birthday wishes. I have a feeling that this is going to be an amazing year!!

Friday my office took me out for drinks and I had more than my share of Mojitos. They were SO GOOD and I really probably shouldn't have had that many. After that I got a call from Eric telling me to pack my bags for one night and to put on something nice! I was half drunk and trying to pack my bags -- it was hard but I succeeded. He whisked me away to a nice hotel that was decorated with steamers, balloons, gifts, roses, and champagne. After a quick toast and gift opening (new outfit, perfume, and necklace) he took me to dinner at a French restaurant I've been wanting to try for ever. Deannie and Dean surprised me by showing up for dinner after they told me they'd be out of town. After dinner we went to Mango Mike's for a night cap and I was surprised to find all of my closest friends there at the bar waiting for me! It was such a surprise and a lot of fun.

On Sunday my family had a cook out for me. My brother gave me a beautiful diamond necklace and my sister gave me a great book and a much needed planner. The food was great. The company was great! The wine was great! It was all great!! Why can't it be my birthday every day?

Actually all that gift giving gave me a buzz and prompted me to want to give gifts myself! I started making my Christmas gift list today so that I can start buying early. Every year I say I'm going to do that and every year I don't. This year I'm going to really really try!

Friday, September 16, 2005


Ah yes -- it's that time of the year again folks! Happy Birthday to me!

PS. I weighed less then Eric on the scale today!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

So You Think You Can Dance?

I haven't been on a regular TV schedule in over a year. My single status last year forced me to trade in Gilmore girls for the bar. This year I've got Eric, Blockbuster, and school. However, since we've been staying at Eric's parents house I feel myself being drawn back to the TV -- and all because of one show: So You Think You Can Dance? I LOVE IT! First of all it takes all the boozed up moments of fame on the local bar dance floors and turns them in to bad drunken memories. These performers can DANCE. I'm tellin ya I get the chills when I watch them. I have ALWAYS secretly wanted to be a dancer (and a Country singer) but after I was told in gymnastics/jazz that I couldn't do the crab because of some physical set back I gave up my dancing dreams. Ok maybe those dreams were temporarily revived during the early 90's when I personally believed I perfected the Snake, Rodger Rabbit, and the Kid N Play, but those days of Janet Jackson and Bobby Brown are since gone. This show takes street dancers and ballet performers and makes them venture in to a form of dance they've not yet tried. Ever seen a break dancer to the quick step? Well you would if you watched, So You Think You Can Dance?! Wednesday nights...do it.

I've lost weight on this diet. I'm not sure how much because I haven't been weighed yet but I've got extra room in my jeans and I'm so much lighter I can fly. And as for working out? Trust me that sucking up water, moving furniture, and purging our storage room at work has provided much exercise. In fact my back is really hurting lately from all that strenuous lifting, sucking, and purging. So to all those who freaked out over my diet style -- you can kiss my saggy ass. I may not be toned but by-golly I can fit back in to my skinny jeans! And just think -- I just started!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Favorite Fairy Tale

This was my favorite fairy tale growing up. I didn't realize it at the time but it's an English fairy tale and seeing as I lived there -- that would make sense. But then it also brings to light the fact that not many people born in the US may have heard it so I want you to read it. It's not long. Do it.

All I want from Christmas is a shorter toe...

This was me two years ago. Ok foot fetish weirdos - not REALLY me - but that is basically what my feet looked like before and after my bunion surgery.

My feet are, needless to say, looking and feeling much better since this surgery. I can even wear a smaller shoe size believe it or not. The problem is my second toe, or pointer toe if you will, is much longer then my big toe. It was always a tad longer, but the bunion surgery actually shortens your big toe a little thus making my pointer toe stick out more then usual. Like so (Food fetish weirdos - you chime in here):

Over the last week I've been working on the house and whatnot so this has been a very active toe. It's been stepped on numerous times. Stubbed. I got it stuck in the louvered doors a few weeks back trying to pull off a high kick closet closing technique. But now I'm starting to see a very disturbing formation. A callus is forming at the very tip of my long pointer toe.

I get pedicures! (Ok not recently...)em>

I am semi-cute regardless of my hideous feet!

I don't want a worker-toe!

I don't deserve any uglier feet then the huge, scarred, leaning-toe feet that I already have!! ...........

So I decided to research a toe-shortening surgery. Please see the example below:

This woman has a good example of a longer pointer-toe along with some other podiatry related issues that THANK GOD are not in my scope of problems today. My point here is that it's plain to see that her pointer toe was successfully shortened. Do you see that?

Now I would of course only consider this toe shortening procedure for noncosmetic purposes. My toe aches. It's tired. It's carrying a heavy load! So in attempted to lighten the burden on my longest toe -- I'd think about lopping it off.

But then I did think about lopping it off. And I came to the conclusion if I was to undergo another surgery - something that could be debilitating or have a painful recovery time -- I'd just rather get my ass liposuctioned. That would be purely for cosmetic reasons and for a much better cause in my opinion. But I should have you know that if I win the lottery -- the long toe is going. It really is.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Here are pictures of "Little Jen" and her engagement ring. I ran down there as soon as I could to do the right thing. To scream and jump and hug and congratulate to the point of sickness. Lots of oooh'ing and ahhh'ing went on and of course I had to snap a picture or two.

(Please keep in mind that my borrowed camera SUCKS and so the quality of these pics is B.U.N.K.)

Here is Jen's ring. Milton did a fabulous job picking out this bling. She's very happy although expressed great concern that her fingers look fat in this picture. Finger fat must be another flaw in this camera because we don't call her "Little Jen" for nothing!

Below is a great picture of Jen expressing great excitment for her new commitment with Milton. She's also revealing a very common side effect of engagement - blurring. Her complexion should return to normal tomorrow.

Post Flood Pictures

Here are POST flood pictures. This is AFTER our attempt to suck the water out of the carpet. After they lifted the capet and the padding. This is also at the beginning of the pipe job.

This is of the closet. Our nice closet that once had clothing hanging from every side.

This is where the flood started. Normally you can't see through that wall in to the kitchen. That's taken from our bedroom....through the laundry room....in to the kitchen.

Here is what the kitchen floor looked like under the pretty pergo we had. Now our pretty pergo is all warped and in the trash. Oh and the washer isn't normally in the kitchen either.

And finally -- this is what your living room looks like after the carpet comes up and everything you own has been tossed from room to room in an effort to protect it from all the H2O molecules hanging around.

I'm late...I'm late...

I know it's been eons since I've written anything. I have been quite busy needless to say with all the home building and whatnot. I have some unfortunate updates about school and some fortunate updates about the condo. I also have a congrats that I have to post in here too!

First and foremost!

CONGRATULATIONS TO JEN AND MILTON ON THEIR ENGAGEMENT!!! It's been a long time coming and I'm glad you're finally taking the plunge!

The condo is getting there. I'll have pictures to post in a few hours. We got our first wall on Sunday and as of yesterday the piping is 99% done. There are a few leaks to patch before the dry wall goes completely up but for the most part it's looking good!

Friday Eric and I spent lots of blood sweat and tears through the wee hours of the night packing up the house. We got everything "organized" and covered in a thick protective plastic covering. A furniture condom if you will. The carpet is done drying in his parents yard and is now being stored at his brothers house. With the help of his parents our laundry is finally done! Only a few items ruined!

Saturday I worked with Deannie to clean/prepare my condo for renting. I got the carpets cleaned, took storage to my Moms, and gave Dinah a bath. Everything looks good over there which is a major stress relief for me.

Sunday was more house work & studying.

School: I met with the counselor yesterday to do a transfer evaluation. The good news is that 10 of my prior credits transferred and the bad news is that the Science I'm taking is NOT applicable to my major. The first counselor didn't ask me what my major was. She didn't tell me that I specifically had to take BIOLOGY to get in the teaching program at Mason, and she didn't tell me that I have to not only follow the Liberal Arts track but also the George Mason education track as well. So I just paid for and wasted a science with a lab. I'll have to pay my Dad back for the class and sell my books online. BUNK. I don't have much left in me to worry about this little setback. After the condo, car, and other life debacles lately -- it's just not something I can add to the list. I dropped it -- and I'll take an 8 week class in a few weeks to make up for it.

Yea Jen!!

Friday, September 09, 2005


It's finally Friday and I am churning up the to-do list for the weekend. Believe me -- it's lengthy!

Tonight Eric and I are going to the marsh/condo after work to place tarps over all of the furniture, pack the rest of our stuff to live at his Moms for a month, make sure trash and food are all stored away and not stinking. The pipe guy is supposed to be done with the plumbing today but since he's literally repiping the entire condo with a better, safe piping system, he's had to cut in to walls, ceilings, etc. Almost making more damage -- but for the good of the condo.

I think Eric is about to give up on the carpet. It's currently in the back yard of his parents house attempting to dry. But the issue is, once it's dried, where to we store it until we can reinstall it? It's 700 square feet of carpet! We'll have to put up walls, paint, etc. before it would be wise to reinstall the carpet. Ya know?

So the clothes. The day of the flood there were clothes, separated by color, waiting to be washed and placed in piles on the floor. Of course after the water was up to 2" they were all sopping along with the towels that were the closet with the pipe that exploded, and the bathroom rugs, etc. So I just threw them in the tub to drip and in an effort to get every thing OFF the carpet. 4 days go by and the clothes, still wet, were starting to stink. Last night Eric brought most of them over to his Moms so we could wash them but the smell was so bad they put them out in the yard. My undies are scattered around the yard like little colorful thong Easter eggs.

Today I'm wearing Eric's Fender t-shirt, grubby jeans, and tennis shoes. Sexy is clearly NOT my middle name. Nor my first. Not even my last. No. Productive With Foot Protection is my name today. But come tonight, Eric and I are going to see a friends band play and we're going to let loose. Give one final surrender to the week while sipping on a few cocktails. BRING_IT_ON!

Tomorrow is my last day to clean, purge, move stuff in/out of the condo before Renter #2 shows up. Eric can't help now since our other home is in need so alone I'll have to:

  1. Touch-up cleaning in the condo
  2. Pack my storage stuff to bring to Mom & Dads for the winter
  3. Bathe Dinah
  4. Buy & reinstall air filter
  5. Buy new pillows for condo
  6. Look at cost of new sheets for condo
  7. Go to Good Will to drop off donations
  8. Donate books to the library
  9. Be there at 2pm when carpet cleaners arrive
  10. Return one fan
  11. Install one dehumidifier
  12. Leave mail keys for new tenant
  13. Leave condo book for tenant
  14. Get lease and emergency numbers ready for tenant

So! That is the shit I've got to do in a nut shell!

Saturday night it's Holly and Me time. We're treating ourselves to a nice dinner and drinks and then maybe hitting up the hot tub!

I won't be blogging this weekend. I'll let you know how my progress goes.

Stay dry!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Condo We Once Called: Home

So yesterday just continued to get worse after my post. It really did. And by about 6pm I had completely surrendered to the day, no the week. Quite possibly the month but I'm waiting to see how the rest of today goes.

3:00pm: Eric calls to say that we're now moving in to my place and he's going to get up and leave every two hours to check the dehumidifier at the other condo. I just kept imagining how hideous our sleep was going to be with him getting out of bed, and leaving every two hours.

3:30pm: Eric calls to say that NEVERMIND! They decided the carpet needed to come up. We're moving in with his parents until the house is fixed.

4:00pm: My boss gets the update and lets me go home early so I can locate some clean, dry clothes to wear to work the next day and help Eric close up the house.

4:05pm: My car won't start.

4:06pm: My car still won't start but now the horn is honking REALLY LOUD IN THE PARKING GARAGE WHICH GATHERS MUCH ATTENTION!!!

4:07pm: I go upstairs to the office to get a flashlight.

4:10pm: I proceed to pull out almost every fuse in the car to shut THE FUCKING HORN UP LONG ENOUGH FOR ME TO THINK!

4:15pm: Almost in tears at this point, and ready to hand granade the whole fucking car, I find James, the building engineer. James disconnects the battery to shut THE LOUD, ECHOING CAR UP FOR ONE COTTON PICKIN' MINUTE SO WE CAN PULL SOME MORE FUSES AND THINK!

5:00pm: After a few more bouts of horn honking, and a jump start, the bitch starts up.

5:20pm: I get home and there is nothing but concrete on the floor and the furniture looks like it hot shaken up and thrown in the house. The bedroom is in the bathroom and kitchen, the living room and computer are on the porch. The house smells like hot trash and ....oh yea...there's no water.

5:30pm: New laptop/first birthday present arrives just in time for me to do some overdue History homework from our new home.

5:45: We packed.

6:00pm: Car won't start again....

6:05pm: Eric Jump-starts car - no honking this time... phew!

6:45pm: We move in to Eric's parents house.

8:00pm: I discover I have wireless internet on my new laptop. Cool! My moment of enjoyment for the day!


7:20am: The car won't start.

7:21am: Eric jump starts the car and wakes up the neighborhood with the loud ass horn "HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK!!!" It's started but it won't stop honkin!


Eric: "What the F...?"
Jess: "Maybe we should drive it around the block?"
Eric: "Yea, do that and see if it works, I guess."
Jess: "No, you do it. I'm too scared (eh-hem embarrassed)to."
Eric: "Ugh - fine."

9:20am: $200 for my car to get fixed. New battery, horn fuse, oil change, tire plugged (hole in it) and wind shield wiper fluid.


Holly calls me at work: "Is your cell phone at home or something?"

Me: "No. Like everything else in my life it's sort of broken."

Holly: "Awe"

Me: "It won't charge."

So there you go folks. That's the up to the minute pile of poo that is my life lately. I'm still smiling though believe it or not. Prozac? Sure is! Now off I got to study for History and wait for my next strike of bad luck. Maybe I'll get my hand caught in the paper shredder. Or maybe all my hair will fall out. Who knows! Maybe I'll loose a few fingers and not be able to type on my new computer. The bottom line is that no matter how bottom of the pond, gooey, shitty, poo-poo my life gets -- I'm smiling from Prozac.

Refreshing isn't it? Life? Boy could I use a refreshing Gin and Tonic on lots of ice and tons of gin.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Marsh we call: Living Room

First of all I am going to forewarn you that this post is loaded with bad luck that I've had in the last 24 hours. And second I want to be sure to state that no matter how stressful my life has been in the last 24 hours -- I realize that it does not compare to those living at the bottom of a lake we call Mississippi and Louisiana.

That being said....

Timeline of Tuesday/Today:

4:00 pm - Eric calls to tell me that the condo is under 2" of water. Another pipe burst and no one was home to catch it.

4:30pm - I left for work not realizing the damage he was actually talking about

5:00pm - I walked in on Eric, his brother, our property manager, and our dog all wading in 2" of water. It was wall to wall. WALL TO WALL!!

5:15pm - Walk the dog and try not to cry. Cry on Eric's behalf because it's was mostly all of his stuff that was sitting in water and for the fact that my well prepared test day was drown.

5:30pm - 6:40pm - I sucked up water.

6:40pm - 7:30pm - Went to the school to last minute study for the test.

7:30pm - 8:00pm - Took A&P test. I think I passed but altogether my brain was in the marsh we once called the living room.

8:30pm - 11:30pm - I sucked up water.

12am - I spent the night at Holly's

5:40am - I woke up to the happy sounds of my baby crying and the Fuzzy Turkey puking. Ah...life at Holly's! It's nice to be back if only for a night. Ooohh and then Aveda Shampoo....

8:00am - rear ended car at intersection in rush hour traffic.

11:30am - got this picture in my email of aforementioned baby. This made me smile so big I almost forgot that I'm sittin at work with the only dry clothes I own.


Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I have my first test tonight. It's in my Anatomy and Physiology class. I'm fucking petrified. I've been studying and I know most of the material but there are just some concepts I cannot grasp: Ionic bonds, hydrogen bonds, polar and nonpolar bonds. I hate bonds, basically. My body rejects bonds. I still have pH, the Unique properties of water, Carbohydrates and lipids to LEARN. I have lunch and 2 hours after work to study. I so badly want to get a B on this test! At least! I just worry that I'm concentrating on parts of the chapter that the teacher isn't going to be concentrating on!!

I'll keep you posted.

Weekend Update:

Saw Will Hoge in concert on Saturday night at 9:30 with Eric. Eric and Will were both so hot and the show was mega fun. I want to see him again.

Sunday we drove out to the Shenandoah River and went camping with Deannie and Dean! It was so much fun. I drank to much gin, Lady learned to swim, Eric killed a 3 foot snake, and my car was ambushed by swarms of grass hoppers. Yes - grasshoppers.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Bad Joke

Another bad joke from my crazy History teacher:

The Jewish Mohel came up with a great idea. He decided he was going to collect all the foreskin from work to make a purse. And then when you rub it -- it'll turn in to a suitcase.

Last night I made a friend in class. Jare(sounds like hare) and he's in love with boys. He sits next to me in class and he has a hair cut like Jimmy Neutron.

He's very active in the gay community. He has to leave class early next week to give some gay-group-tour of DC. I think that's neat. I said "boyfriend" he said "partner". He has also sung at Carnage Hall. I think he's in a boys choir or something. Anyway --- that was the interesting fact about himself that he put down on the index card we were forced to fill out on the first day of class. I put that I like to eat pickled pigs feet. I think I have a lot to learn from Jare.

Jare and I have decided we're going to separate ourselves from some of the other dorks in the class and have girlie study time. I'm thrilled. I've always wanted a gay-boy for a friend. The fact that he looks like Jimmy Neutron just makes it 10 times better!

Thursday, September 01, 2005


Last night I sat in Holly's living room wearing my dry clothes, in her dry home, with my healthy, dry 7 week old baby, and her two dry cats, and I watched on TV as hoards of people floated down the streets of Louisiana and Mississippi on thier front doors. Some of those people were carrying thier pets. Some of those people were desperately crying for help on the roof of thier homes. Ariel views of the cities looked like little Monopoly houses sunk in the bathtub. Family cars were completely submerged under the brown water and looked more like toy cars left in a rain puddle then a family vehicle. I got all sad. I got all sad and screamed to Holly that she's now allowed to move anywhere that could kill her and my baby via storm. On my way to work this morning I really felt like I needed do something. I decided to donate money to the Redcross. I've never done that before, and I don't have much, but I had to do something!

Today I donated $50 bucks, in memory of Tom, to the Red Cross. You should donate too even if just $5.00.

This has been your public service announcement for the day.