finally over the sore boobs, zits, bloating, crabbiness, and other assorted afflictions caused by the damn pill - I threw my birth control pill in the trash last night.
DOWN WITH THE PILL! I don't need it anyways. It's dumb. See...that's EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT...that comment has
bad attitude written all over it!!
The non-smoking is going SO WELL. Aside from one party this weekend I haven't really even thought about cigs. Maybe it's because I've been really busy. Really Really busy. Note to self: Stay busy!
I'm still working out. Today I am pooped from working out and I am leaving work in 25 minutes to go buy kitty litter and then pass out for a few hours. Then I have to clean for an out of town guest that's coming in on Friday.
I'm sore!
So I worked out with the devil yesterday. I had a personal trainer session at 6:15 and made it! I even had a smile on my face. I think I learned that eating a power bar before going to the gym helps to get you started. Keith a.k.a The Devil likes to say "a'ight" a lot while he makes you work hard. Even though my body felt like jelly all day I had a great work out and I wish I could afford to keep The Devil in the pocket of my gym bag. I expressed to him my concern with doing workouts in the free weight room. There is something about that room that makes me feel really vulnerable and embarrassed. I'm not sure if it's the humongous meat heads that occupy it or the fact that more often then not the positions you are required to get in to while lifting free weights are well for example one might feel uncomfortable with one knee up on the bench while bending over (in front of the meat heads) to lift a 5lbs thingy. I don't want my ass up in the air in a room full of guys like that. Either way The Devil acknowledged my concern but somewhat disregarded it by bringing the free weights TO ME. So I still had my ass up in the air in a room full of people - it just wasn't THAT room.
I still have a crush. ....I can't talk about it now though.
This here is a picture of what Jessica looks like in the afternoon after her 6am gym thing. I'm highly pooped as you can tell and can barely keep my eyes open. I was in this position, looking at my monitor, when I realized how slumpy I was. So I thought I'd capture it immediately with my phone. I haven't stopped yawning all day. I've had 2 cups of coffee. I can't decide between sticking it out and leaving early (4ish) to take a nap or running to Starbucks for a shot of coffee bean juice. I just want my bed. Oh and I quit smoking again.
Holly & Jessica go to the gym - day #2
Jessica stayed up until 12:30am talking to new crush.
Jessica had to get up at 5am something to go to gym.
Holly and Jessica met at gym.
Holly nearly got killed by a trainer and Jessica nearly killed herself.
Jessica took longer to get ready for work after her work out then she did to actually work out.
Jessica also forgot to validate her parking, forgot her belt, forgot her earrings and dropped about 10 items out of her gym locker.
Jessica is going to nap now.
Jessica will probably end up talking to new crush again until wee hours anyway.
Jessica just wants new crush and abs worth a squat - is that too much to ask? Do I really need to have sleep too?!
Holly paid lots of money to get tortured at the gym for the next few weeks. Aight?
Jessica will probably continue to torture herself for free, by not sleeping, for the next few weeks.
Holly & Jessica Go to the gym
Holly and Jessica signed up for a memebership at Bally's
Holly and Jessica worked out today.
Holly and Jessica worked out at 6:15am today.
Holly and Jessica plan to do this several days a week.
Jessica is tired.
Jessica is broke.
Jessica has sore stomach muscles.
Jessica is going home to rest.
I have a crush
I totally have a crush on this dude. He's really not what I would have considered my type at all - but I'm WAY diggin it. Weird! He doesn't live here either which kind of blows. I'll keep you posted.
Yea so now on top of being really crabby I'm also zittier then a 15 year old working at Taco Bell. Ick! I am so ashamed! I am about to go have that James Bond surgery done where they just give you a whole new face. And a bullet proof car.
Holly came over last night for the first time in about 8 million years. We had a few glasses of wine, which I realize is totally against the sobriety committment, but it really was just a few (3) glasses of wine (for me) and
I wasn't intoxicated. So even though I'm not doing so hot on the staying clompletely sober thing - I am still feeling mighty successful on the not getting trashed ever nighty thing. I deserve a star for that I think. Might I be turning in to a responsible social drinker?
I'm wearing this dress that I got at the mall for $7.49. I've gotten a compliment or two on it too. How good do I feel? Score! I bought it at this store called Forever 21, and believe me no one is "forever 21", nor should they dress like it but this dress is cute. It's definately "curently 26 about to turn 27" material.
About to turn 27 and
get a digital camera!! I can't wait. I am going to Vegas on the 10th of September with the girls from California. I called my Mom today to impress upon her importance I feel there is to have the digital camera with me on this trip EVEN THOUGH my 27th birthday is 6 days after the day I leave. I think she's going to come through for me. I want to be able to share my trip with the WORLD!
I saw Garden State this past Sunday with the girls. IT IS SO GOOD. I vote it for best kiss. It was a serious, intense, love story. It was a good one.
Ok - more later. Caio!
Sobriety makes Jess less fun?
I went to a birthday party today for my friend Dean who turned 41. I didn't drink. I didn't drink until 10:20 when the waiter brought out a margarita that no one ordered and was trying to get rid of it. At that point I'd been sitting around listening to 8 drunkerds talk about ....well about nothing I took it. I feel sort of bad about that since I promised myself that I was going to stay sober. It's not like I'm drunk off the one margarita. It was good and felt very social. I didn't really go in to this to become a recovering alcoholic anyway. (I think I'm making excuses now. ) Anyway - everyone kept commenting on how "sober Jessica is so quiet" and that was wierd. I think it's sober, hormonal, tired Jessica that is quiet. So then I ordered a shot of taquilla.
Now that I've posted that picture of those shoes -- I'm wondering -- do they look like stripper shoes? Maybe the dangling diamond heart is over kill. Do I care? No. I am attending a wedding with 2 ex-boyfriends who are taking their girlfriends. Yes. And I am taking who you ask? My brother. I am taking my brother to the wedding with the two ex-boyfriends with thier new girlfriends. I love my brother, and he's tall so I can wear my stripper shoes comfortably, but it reeks a little of
'dork at the prom', doesn't it?
I pray that my friends in Florida - Cory, Leslie & Scott & The Kichinko Family are all fine and not under water because of the hurricane. On that note I'm going to go watch the news to be sure they're ok.
I'll be blogging more in the near future. I think being sober has made me feel BLAH so I haven't had anything interesting to say. Or maybe it's this damn PMS shit. You know - I started taking birth control - which I didn't want to do. My doctor had some weird issue about me NOT taking it. I felt so good not taking it. This has been the worse PMS I've had in 2 years. I feel funny all over. I can't figure out whether it's PMS or sobriety. Maybe next month I'll get wasted during that lucky week and see if that helps.
Here are my new cute wedding shoes. I am wearing them to Jenni and Scott's wedding. I don't know why I am so attached to these shoes - but I am. I think they look pretty hot and I couldn't stop thinking about them so I just broke down and bought them. NOT THAT THEY WERE EXPENSIVE.
Are you wondering?
Ok so I'm still sober. Yes people it's been 11 days. I have been the sober driver for both a bachelorette party and the reggae festival last weekend. I actually don't mind it at all. I did take smoking back up though. I couldn't handle not smoking and drinking while PMSing. That's a recipe for murder. I'm convinced of it.
Work has been super busy so I can't write much more. I hope I have time tomorrow.
Check ya later.
Sobriety Addendum
Today I had 2 of our top executives whining in my ear over not having internet access in our new office yet. Like there was something I could really do about it.
Hello! My business card says "Executive Assistant to the President of SunDance Rehab" not "Internet Technology wizard with nothing better to do then listen to you whine". This brings me to my next point. Due to the lack of patience I've had since I quit smoking and drinking I've decided to make a slight contract addendum to my promise of sobriety. I am still going to remain sober, per my earlier blog, HOWEVER I am going to have to have the occasional cigarette. I CANNOT no...I rephrase I DO NOT want to quit smoking completely, for fear that I will do bodily injury to someone in my office. I'd rather have throat cancer then be this irritated all the time! So I am going to cut back and only smoke when ABSOLUTELY necessary. Since I'm not drinking that should be far less smoking then before any how. Feel me?
Today I bought an $80.00 desk chair for my new office space. It rocks. Desk chairs are the foundation for which your inner most assistant-ness comes from. It is enormously important that your inner most assistant be comfortable, free to swivel, have good posture, type and ultimately assist. For one to have this healthy inner assistant vibe - ones keester must be propped up in the perfectly designed, ergonomically satisfying, faux leather (pleather) chair. All for $79.99 at your local Office Depot.
Last night I had 2 diet cokes at happy hour. Then I went to Jeff's to do shit loads of laundry while he drank beer(s). It was the test of all tests. My two calming agents: Bud Light and Dryer sheets. I am proud to report -- I took a few deep breaths and succeeded to NOT drink a Bud Light but a few cups of liquid Downey Fabric softener instead. No, that's a lie. I did not drink fabric softer. I didn't drink a beer either. Woo-hoo.
I'm trying to eat healthier: 1/2 of Karyn's egg sandwich on bagel w/large coffee (breakfast), instant oatmeal w/diet Sprite (lunch), and a salad w/low fat dressing, 1 peach and a sugar free Redbull
and one tiny little kit kat bar (dinner). Not so bad. Tomorrow I'm on to whole wheat bagels with non fat cream cheese, plums, and a Lean Cuisine (maybe 2 Lean Cuisines) ALL with a cup of liquid Downey fabric softener - no I mean water .. bottled water.
I miss my friend Carrie. I sometimes wonder if I'll ever see her more then once a month like the good ole days?!
Feeling SLIGHTLY better
Ok my attitude is a little better BUT I am dying for a beer. Ugh!! It's only been 2 days. Cory - you're right - exercise is the key. I am doing laundry tonight but maybe the big gym commitment will be tomorrow. I think I might have to smoke a that bad?
The reality of sobriety
Jessica-cigarettes-alcohol=Jessica+Food+chocolate=BAD MOOD.
So it's Sunday at 6:55 and I've been in bed all day watching movies. I have had a wild weekend filled with booze, friends and now sleep. Last night at 2am I decided to "dry out". I am going to pretty much stop drinking (and smoking) for a month. I realized last night that I couldn't remember the last time I was sober. I have a few nights this month that might require some social cocktails/champagne. I have a bachelorette party, a wedding, and a bridal shower. Other then that I'm on the wagon and the official DD. I'll let you know how it goes. I am going to get a bagel (thanks Liz) and watch the rest of Bad Santa. So far today I've watched Dirty Dancing - Havana Nights (yes, it was as bad as you knew it was going to be), The Perfect Score (not so bad), and now the rest of Bad Santa. After that I think I'll bathe and then go to bed. I have a fun week of work in my new office! I'll keep you posted on the no-drinking/smoking plan. Maybe I'll chart it somehow or something.....