
Friday, October 29, 2004

Yes - TGIF to you too. Tonight was the first weekend with out GLCB in quite a long time. I went to happy hour with Deannie for her birthday, which was much fun, and then came home. My first Friday night in-town in a month and I'm alone. I think I'm out of the swing of things. Never the less I didn't think it'd be THAT bad to just chill here when I suddenly felt a draft while rolled up in a fleece blanket on my couch. The draft was coming from down there. WAY down there. BEHOLD - the dreaded Friday Night Hole In Sock.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

A+ Dinner Party

My Halloween Feast Dinner Party was a hit. (Unless everyone was lying.....) I didn't do the annoying craft that I had originally planned -- due to it being a royal pain in the arse. Instead I got goodie bags filled with candy and a pair of Halloween Socks for each of "the girls". I decorated the table with little autumn gourds, pumpkin paper plates and napkins, and Goblin Goblets for the mulled wine. All the food turned out good except for the spinach Artichoke dip I made. Note: Read recipes thoroughly and DRAIN SPINACH before adding in to dip mixture.
The ass art on Stephanie's blog will be my craft at the next annual Girls Weekend this winter. Maybe we can make this an annual craft and open an ass gallery.
So far the antenna breaking off of my cell phone has no effect on the service. However, it does make my beautiful Sanyo 8100 picture phone look like I've lopped off one of it's appendages. It looks sad. It feels sad. I set it on my desk and feel like the darn thing is just sitting there, earless, and frowning at me.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Q's & A's

I don't have much to blog about today. I had a great weekend with GLCB and now it's over. I won't be able to see him again until November 11th which I think really blows but I'm trying desperately not to dwell on it.

Tonight I am cooking dinner for some of my close friends. I was going to do Cranberry Chicken but for budget purposes, and because of some last minute shopping, I chose a premarinated pork loin instead. Either way it should turn out good. Now I just have to get my fanny home in time to pick up a little. I have a cat puke stain on the carpet by the sliding glass doors that I need to take care of.

My Cell phone antenna broke. Will it matter?

My sister sent me an interesting questionnaire that she made up today. I thought I'd post it. My answers are in red but you should feel free to answer or think about these questions yourself. She just started a blog too. Could it be that the questionnaire and blog are a result of having too much time on her hands at her new temp job? Probably. Welcome to the wide world of office jobs - Kaycee.

Kaycee's questionnare:

My sister-in-law Stephanie inspired me to create a more "creative" email survey. Be as creative as possible with your answers.
  1. What would your "stage" name be if you were an erotic dancer? Curtis Bean
  2. Who would win in a presidential election between Mighty Mouse and He-man and why? Who should be their running mates? Mighty Mouse - size doesn't determine the measure of a mans power and he seems to have a much more uplifting way of handling things. We shouldn't overlook the little ones. Running mates -- Road Runner and Papa Smurf.
  3. 3. Who would win in a fight between a grizzly bear and a 12 foot iguana? Why? The Grizzly Bear -- he has more hair & fat for protection against deadly wounds .
  4. What would the worst slogan for a daycare business?
    Neverland - Childcare Brought to you by M. Jackson.
  5. If someone asked you what you have been doing since high school what would you say? Call Equifax
  6. What is the scariest thing you have ever seen? A women with a mustache and chest hair in an Lompoc AM/PM selling cigarettes greeting customers with an Elvis impersonation.
  7. If the government created an mutant animal to guard our boarders, what animals would they combine? A swordfish alligator a.k.a Swordillator
  8. How many women does it take to change a light bulb? How many arms and legs does she have?
  9. If you could give one piece of advice to children what would it be? Don't be afraid to try new foods and don't feel like you have to put ketchup on everything.
  10. If you could change one thing in history, what would it be and how would you change it? Since I'm taking the time out of my day to complete this crazy questionnaire I'm going to change something in my history. In light of recent events I would have never lived with any of my boyfriends and I would have done this by listening to my parents.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Blogger Troubles

Oh my. Yesterday I was in bloggin-TROUBLE! I got some not so happy reviews from my friends over my 'Poop Talkin' entry that I wrote yesterday. I guess that's what you get by 'Poop Talkin'. Some friends of mine that I never really thought showed an interest in my bliggidy blog mysteriously have! I debated aborting this blog and beginning a new secret version. I wasn't sure though if I could move the entries with the blog and just change the name? I'll probably keep this one for a while.

Just some stuff.....

So far today I'm feeling good. The PMS is still rumbling around in there somewhere but I think it's safe to discuss some basic information.

  • For some reason I have fallen in love with this Josh Groban song. I know...I know..you're thinking HOW GAY! Right? Yes. Well... I heard this song more then a year ago in the Target CD department. I'm not even sure it was being sung by Josh at the time. I have this "easy listening" station playing at work now and Josh's version is on at least once a day. I find myself wanting to stand upright from my desk and belt out "YOU RAISE ME UUUUUUUUUUUP!". It's just such an uplifting song that one can't help but really love it. Here's a taste of the lyrics:

When I am down and, Oh my soul, so weary;

When Troubles come and my heart burdened be;

Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,

Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;

You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;

I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;

You raise me up: To more then I can be.

  • My brothers girlfriend, who wrote me a strange e-mail I posted a while back, has started her own blog. She has a fascinating blog entry titled 'Squirrel Diaries' that you should read if you have time. It's true Stephanie style - obnoxious & odd - yet good brain food.

  • I dare say I'm not much of a crafter. Next week I am having a Halloween/Fall dinner party with "the girls". I am cooking Cranberry chicken, garlic mashed potatoes & roasted autumn veggies with mulled wine to sip. (Doesn't that just make you want to put on your wool socks, clogs, scarf and come by?) Well I thought it would be a good idea to have an EASY (5 minutes or less) craft for each of us to do while dinner is cooking. A make your own party favor of sorts. I considered carving pumpkins but it's just too messy for 8 girls in my little place. After some research on line yesterday I came up with Halloween broaches you make with beads & safety pins. How hard can it be? Put 10 beads on each of the 10 safety pins and then clasp together with one LARGE safety pin. After 45 minutes at Michaels craft store, $33 in beads and safety pins, many giggles from family members as I attempted to put my party favor together -- I deduced that I MUST come up with a Plan B. The beads were either too small or too big. The safety pins were just all wrong. Ugh! Plus my Dad pointed out that 8 girls + mulled wine + tiny beads + pointed objects = BAD IDEA!! Any suggestions out there for a fun yet easy adult craft? No noodle necklaces thank you.

  • I'm heading back down to North Carolina tomorrow. The plan is to wait-out the traffic until about 7 or 7:30pm and then head south listening to my new book-on-tape. It's the 2nd Bridget Jones book. GLCB is really sick and needs me. The plan was to drive back up here together on Sunday and go see Jamie Cullum in concert on Sunday night. Not sure if that will be happening now. Poor GLCB. *muah*muah* honey.

  • Tonight I am going to watch my friend Jen play softball for the United Way of America. They have a little softball league that plays in the spring and the fall. This team is really really bad. REALLY BAD. The point of the league is to promote team work and interoffice fun, I think. Even though I've never seen this team win a game they have crap loads of team spirit. They are always full of high fives, cheers, and they run as hard as they can from base to base. It always brings a smile to my face to see people get out there with a smile on their face and be truly unskilled in something, all in the name of team work. I really suck at that.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I'm a donkey

After work yesterday I went and tried to work out at the gym but just couldn't. As GLCB put it - I basically went in to the gym, put on my work out gear, sniffed the machines and left. This made me laugh really loud. Anyway - after that I went shoe shopping, bought myself a sushi feast, and then devoured a Kit-Kat. What does this say? PMS people! Yesterday's blog was a vomit at the mouth fueled by hormones. The feelings were real but I handled it poorly. For that I apologize to any of my friends that have genuine concern about my life right now. In any case I think it now wise to keep a low profile so I don't chew off any more heads. I leave you with the lyrics to this song that I love lately and I think asks a great question. Are YOU who you want to be?
yesterday is a wrinkle on your forehead
yesterday is a promise that you've broken
don't close your eyes, don't close your eyes
this is your life and today is all you've got now
yeah, and today is all you'll ever have
don't close your
eyes don't close your eyes
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, is it everything you dreamed that it would be
when the world was younger and you had everything to lose
yesterday is a kid in the corner
yesterday is dead and over
this is your life, are you who you want to be
this is your life, are you who you want to be

Monday, October 18, 2004


This weekend in North Carolina Christian took me on a surprise trip. We went on a trail ride at Tanglewood -- a neato park place. Can you tell by the look on my face that I had fun?

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Bad Review Repair

I'm in the second day of my bad review repair. Apparently I've been not-so-great in the last 60 days of work. A few of the things listed during my pre-bad-review-review were:

  1. In Late
  2. Leaves dishes in sink
  3. Moody
  4. Head not in the game

She didn't go over the rest of the list with me ( a list) because I admitted to being unaware of any issues. She asked me if there has been something going on in the last 60 days that I needed to talk about? I said no, but then after more thought I came up with these items:

  1. Quit smoking
  2. Quit/cut back on drinking
  3. Stopped taking appetite suppressant (don't want to talk about this)
  4. Stopped taking birth control
  5. Drained my checking account on 7 weddings
  6. Fell in love
  7. Started going to the gym at 5am (ok 6:15am)

She didn't go over the rest of the list and instead gave me some time to think about our talk. She wanted me to try and figure out if I was just unhappy here at work or if there really IS something going on. I'm glad she did that because I think the list above shows quite clearly that YES things are going on!

Not that I'm trying to make excuses, because NONE of those item have ANYTHING to do with work, but I think I might have unknowingly been bringing my personal life to work. Seeing as I spend most of my waking hours here -- that doesn't seem too unfathomable.

Attempted Solution:

  1. keep my cell phone off at work
  2. remove all unwork related stuff off my compter
  3. take little to no personal calls (except from family)
  4. take lunches in the conference room, behind closed doors, so I can separate my personal "stuff" from my desk (I usually take "working lunches" which might be confusing to coworkers if I'm blogging, eating, processing paperwork and answering phones at the same time),
  5. shoot for getting to work at 8:15am since I can't seem to get my ass here at 8:30 no matter how hard I try,
  6. stop blaming the stop-lights on my tardiness... and last but not least ............
  7. USE PAPER PRODUCTS! ( I really feel that I was unfairly blamed for the dishes).

Now I just need to communicate this to my boss. Oh and I MIGHT start looking for a new job. I've been here for 4 years now, I feel like this has tarnished my rep, and unfortunately one of the people that noticed my bad behavior is one of those types that once you're on their bad side you have to sacrifice a lamb to repair it. There are no lambs in Alexandria. Holly made a good point in that more change might not be what I need right now. She might be right.

Off to NC again tonight. Can't wait to see GLCB.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Bad Review

So today I got the pre-bad review before the bad review on the 27th. Great. It was a "work on these issues" kind of chat. Ugh! I hate it when I screw up. I want to scream!!! AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH!

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Battle of the Sexes

Have you ever played Battle of the Sexes? Kathryn, Brian, GLCB and I all played it last night. It was a strange attempt at a cute couples night. Kathryn and I attempted to make dinner for the boys and it took 4 hours (literally). Then we played Battle of the Sexes where Kathryn and I lost miserably. Who cares what it's called when you make three strikes in a row in bowling anyway!!!! And do you REALLY know what body sugaring means? We couldn't even answer most of the girl questions.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Life out of my gym bag...

Someone told me yesterday that I'm not funny. I thought Holly and I were funny -- but we're not. Sorry to all those who find me very unfunny. Damn.

So back to my unfunny blog...I'm off to weekend #2 of 3 of living out of a suit case. Living out of my gym bag both during the week and these last few weekends has been not so bad. My gym bag has all the right compartments for things. It has a comfortable carrying strap with the puffy shoulder piece and it's small enough to be a carry-on. I feel lucky AND unfunny about this.

Anyway I'm off to North Carolina to see the boyfriend. This is my first weekend in North Carolina since I first laid eyes on him back in early June. This time I'm going as the girlfriend - which means meeting parents, friends, and the church crowd (friends). I'm part excited but part nervous. Excited to finally get to be in his element but I am really nervous/concerned in hopes that it all goes smoothly and I don't shrivel up in my shell and act like a shy & nervous crack head. That would not get me the first impression I was hoping for.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Gravity Defying Boots

Usually when I fly in an airplane I look through the Skymall Magazine at least once. They have such a mixture of useful and insane merchandise. Most all of it is over priced - but every great while you'll find that thing, that priceless item, that you just can't believe someone else thought of. That product that makes you wonder why YOU COULD NOT HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT. Well ladies and gentleman that product for me - the Gravity Defying Boots. These boots are a great example of someone else's lucrative brain fart.

Holly and I are somewhat avid roller bladers. Ok not really....we are a part of the roller blading community that utilizes a patch of grass to stop from crashing when heading down a hill. I'm not sure if that is what got us using the term "strapping on the roller blades" or if it was a card one of us sent the other. It really makes no difference - the bottom line is that in our "language" the term "strapping on roller blades" usually means to commit suicide. Again, like with the giraffe letter opener, we aren't being literal. We usually use it to describe a particularly bad day. Let me use it in a sentence: Today I nearly stabbed three people with the Giraffe and almost strapped on the roller blades. See?

I'd like for Holly and I to each get a pair of Gravity Defying Boots. What a positive change this would be for us. A) Think of the countless calories we'd be burning thus lessening our time at the gym B) We could get from place to place with such speed while maintaining a tad more speed control C) Bouncing off a cliff is so much more invigorating then rolling off D) All in all I think it'd be a great laugh. I think this is going to be Holly's next birthday gift.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Wedding #6 of 7

This Friday I flew out to Monterey for wedding #6 of 7! I was a great time to hang with my high school friends from Cali and to see the beatiful Heather get married off to the smokin hot sweet Andy. They got married at a lovely mission in Carmel, California and it was so beautiful it would have brought you to tears. I got a chance to see an old friend and enemy and reconnect with her beautiful son that I babysat & fell in love with when he was an infant. He was the best date that anyone could have asked for and I was as much in love with him at 7 that I was with him at 3 months. I also met a new baby who I fell in love with - the sister of my 7 year old hero. They made me WANT TO HAVE BABIES. Am I getting old or what? Anyway - the trip was fast and furious with fun. Courtney - you were the only thing missing from my trip. It was sad to be in California and not see you & Brianna. (And all my aunts, uncles and cousins). Next time! Good luck Heather and Andy. I miss California! Other then that I just wish Christian could have been along for the ride. Signing off to go clean broccoli.

Friday, October 01, 2004

I can't believe it's already October!! The good news is that I'm almost done with my wedding season. The bad news is that winter is coming!! I'm not really a winter fan. I don't even like Halloween that much. I know...I know...the picture above CLEARLY points out that has not always been the case. I'm not sure if in this picture I was dressed up to be a Pilgrim Bride or a very bad Revlon Lipstick model ..... Posted by Hello