
Sunday, March 27, 2005

Poo Factory Day 3

I think Fez pee'd on one of my sisters bed pillows so I got up at 10:30am and left the house, stepping over mounds of doggy poo on my way out of the back fence. I'd had enough of all the dogginess and was ready for HUMAN companionship.

I had a friend stay the night with me on Saturday. This friend would like to remain anonymous because Bandit pissed in his eye on Saturday night. This friend also left at 6:30am the next morning against my wishes mumbling something about really have things to do that day. I knew it was just because he was over flowing with puppy love.

I'm really glad that's over.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Doggy Kabobs Anyone?

Today I took my first venture out of the zoo to go shopping. I needed to pick up some doggy treats, Easter treats, and breath some non-doggy poop air. I needed time away.

I wrangled all four dogs inside which took approximately 15 minutes. One would come in - the other two would run out, and vice versa. Once free, I had a nice time perusing the LARGEST DOLLAR STORE I've ever seen. I picked up doggy treats, an Easter card for my vacationing sister, and another precautionary bottle of wine before heading home.

Mad barking was what I heard from inside my car when I arrived home. I hurriedly grabbed my bags and trotted indoors where I discover the ultimate downfall in doggy land. I left a tall laundry basket full of crafting supplies: buttons, ribbon, sequence, rhinestones, material, and scissors in the kitchen area while I was out. Like a pack of hyenas they mauled every last shred of it, right down to the cardboard the ribbons were neatly wound upon. Every last one of my poor dead grandmothers buttons, that I was saving to make decorate picture frames out of for the family, were spread from wall to wall. WALL TO WALL, PEOPLE! Doggy kabobs were I could think about.

Block party at 4563 Plum Street everyone!!!! Doggy Kabobs and chilled wine on the menu!

No but really...

I kicked the little fuckers outside while I cried and swept Grandmas buttons off the kitchen floor. Then I crated them all and calmly ate my Ramen noodles in peace.

I'm leaving tomorrow at 9am. I wonder how many mounds of doggy poo I'll have cleaned up by then?

As I sit here the dogs are down stairs and it's strangely quiet.....what could they be in to?

Oh my God one of the dogs just let out a wet fart!!!!

I must go.

My Own Personal Hell - Day 1

I wish I had a fucking second to write a clear thought here. I've been trying since last night to think about how I could get up here to the office to write down what I've been going through since I've been trapped here in the Ostrander Zoo. If this post comes off scatter brained or fuzzy - bare with me. I may have officially lost it.

Last night at 8:30 I pulled up to my sister house and heard the frantic shrieking of not one, not two, but FOUR little yappy dogs. You would have thought the damn house was on fire. I get inside to the dark kitchen and basically get lovingly attacked by these creatures, all while trying to find the light. Once I got some lights on I saw not one, not two, but THREE piles of doggy poo sitting on the floor just waiting for me to scoop them up in my arms. I then mopped pee for about 20 minutes.

I eventually got all my stuff hauled in from the car and opened a bottle of wine. I reread the doggy poo...I mean zoo instruction sheet over and over again and did all the required tasks: spray lizard, tap in crickets, throw trash over fence, put eye meds in one dog, (As I sit here there is one dog biting/tugging on my pajamas and another one barking at me.....the other two are looking aimlessly out the window and growling...I'll need to make this quick), water snake, close gates, sing lullaby, etc. Needless to say a half a bottle of wine and a Xanax from my sisters medicine closet did the trick. The dogs were all drunk and sleepy which made things much easier. No, just kidding, I was all drunk and sleepy which made me forget where I was!

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Dog Sitting Novel

Here is the letter my sister wrote me with all the intructions on how to care for the dogS. Ok...is it just me or do these make you want to scream, "Get a fucking life already!!" (Ok I love my sister but as she was going over these instructions for the zillionth time today on the phone I thought she was going to have a break down.) I hope she's having fun in Vegas!!

Fez ? Younger Red MinPin
Bandit ? Younger Black and Tan MinPin
Buttons ? Older Red Minpin, Bad eye.
Reesies ? Older Black and Tan MinPin, Chubby, Bad Breath

Food: Food is in the Christmas Tin on the counter. Please give them 3 cups in
the evening.
Water: Fill as often as needed. It is important that they have water through
out the day.
Treats: are in the white cookie jar by the sink. It is best to split them in
half and give each dog half.
Spray bottle: We use this for bad behavior, such as barking at the window, fighting
(beyond just play fighting) and getting on tables.

IMPORTANT: When leaving for the day, make sure nothing is on the kitchen
table and that all chairs are tucked in. They will get ANYTHING you leave
on the table.

Medications: Every morning, put solution in Buttons eye (Your right, her left). Give
her a treat afterwards. She will not bite, but will make a fuss. In the
evenings, put a line of gel from tube on her eye. Again, treat.

Messes: When you come home, there will most likely be a mess in the kitchen,
i.e. pee on the floor. The easiest thing to do, is use the mop n' vac
that is on the washer/dryer. Turn on and squeeze trigger to release
cleaner. Suction is always going. If you need more solution, (it's the
stuff that goes in the top container of the vac) there is more on the
counter. Fill the vac container with water to the fill line and then fill
the lid of that container with the Lysol cleaning stuff. For more
in-depth cleaning, you can use bleach and water, or 409. DO NOT USE THE

Everyone, except for Bandit, goes into crates at night. For The older
girls, you just point to the crate and say "nite-nite" and they will go
in. As soon as they go in, put a treat inside and shut the gate. Fez may
need to be picked up but will go in willingly. Give him a treat as well.
Bandit will sleep with you. He will want to be kissed and petted for a
while until he falls asleep. If you lay him on his side next to you and
pet him gently, he will fall asleep. He likes to sleep close to you. Any
clothes that you do not want chewed, should stay in the closet with the
door closed. The dogs should not be in the closet. The toilet room of
the bathroom must stay closed, or bandit will take all the toilet paper
off and chew it up while you sleep. It's a wonderful thing to wake up to.
My suggestion is to have a chewy bone upstairs with you for him to chew
on, should he get restless. I have left two up there.

Lizard: On your way upstairs with bandit, stop in the boys room to mist the gecko
cage and feed crickets.
To feed crickets, simply take the top off of the cage, opening in enough
to fit the cricket tube in. Take the cricket tube out of the cricket
keeper and tap against the inside of the cage. Crickets will come out.
You need to give him approximately 8 a day. More is fine, but less is not
a good idea. THEN CLOSE THE CAGE.

His cage needs to be sprayed every evening. You can do this without
opening it, if he still has enough crickets. You need to spray until
everything is moist. Make sure he has plenty of water. If the light bulb
goes out or breaks there are more in the laundry room closet. We use the
60 Watt Bulbs. Both the Lizard and the snake cage lights stay on all

Snake: If the snake one bothers you, you can turn it out for the night; just
REMEMBER TO TURN IT BACK ON IN THE MORNING. Make sure his bowl always has
water in it.

Morning: They need to go out at 6:00 if you go to bed at 8:00, 7:00 if you go to
bed at 9:00. Reesies will usually start barking when its time to go
out. When you let them out of the cage, make sure the kitchen gate is
closed. You will have to stand outside with them, or they will not go.
Tell them to "Get going". When Fez Poops, make sure to say GOOD BOY and
pet him a lot! We are trying positive reinforcement. You should try and
wait until everyone goes poop.

Daily Stuff:

There is a bungee cord to hold the Kitchen gate open when you are in the
living room with them. But please, ALWAYS LEAVE THE GATE ON THE STAIRS
CLOSED. They should not have access to the upstairs unless you are with
impossible to get them out and Fez wants to eat the bird.

Bird: If you want to bring the bird out for a little while, the best time to
do this is when you are in bed, watching TV. He will happily sit on your
shoulder, and bandit is usually good about giving him space. The bird
likes shiny things so watch your necklaces; he will try to play with them.
You will need to change his water, as he likes to poop in it.

Dogs do not go upstairs, unless it is while you shower in the morning, or
for a quick nap. If they go potty on the floor, please pick up with
toilet paper and flush down the toilet. If it leaves a stain, please use
the carpet spray.

Leaving: When leaving for the day, or any amount of time. Get all the dogs in the
kitchen, and make sure the gate is closed. If you have trouble getting
all of them inside, just pull out a few small plates, and put a piece of
bread ripped in fours on each or cheese poofs which are in the bottom
cupboard to the left of the stove. Bandit usually knows the sound of the
plates and comes running, or you can show him the plates. The biggest,
most important thing I can tell you is to MAKE SURE THE GATE IS SECURELY CLOSED, EACH AND EVERY
TIME YOU GO OUT. If you need to put trash out, I recommend throwing the bag over the gate
and putting it in the trash next time you go to your car. When you leave,
please lock the door. Watch the dogs, because they will try to sneak out
and can be impossible to get back in.

THE DOG DOOR: The dog door can stay open or closed, depending on the weather. It's
nice, but Fez has begun to dig. If you see this yell, "NO FEZ" and make
sure he stopped. (SAME APPLIES IF HE GOES INSIDE!) If he is out there by himself, he will do it.
Guaranteed. The older
girls do not know how to use the dog door so you will have to let them
out. They will bark or pace around the door when they need to go out. I
usually let them out about every hour when I am home.

Emergency vet number is on the fridge, hand written on the Banfield Pet
Hospital Number. If something happens, please call us first or Michelle,
the pet sitter. She is a licensed Vet Tech and can answer questions for

Like I said ... I hope she's having fun because I'M NOT EVER DOING THIS AGAIN!!

Just kidding Kaycee - I love you.

A Tid Bit For You

I'm so busy at work preparing for our annual spring training meeting that I have not had a chance to read any blogs much less update mine! I haven't disappeared and I plan on catching up over the weekend while I'm dog sitting AGAIN. This time for my sister.
As I mentioned before my best friend is having a baby (Not Lizzy -- the other one) Deannie and I are throwing her a shower in early June. I am making the invitations for this event like I did for her bridal shower. I'm excited.
What else.....
I just bought my ticket to Chicago. My girlfriend from high school is getting married this June and I'm one of the lucky bridesmaids. We are celebrating her bachelorette party in the windy city and I can't wait. Out of all my travels I've never been to Chicago. I can't wait to take pictures of our girly adventures. I anticipate lots of wine and giggling.
Next Monday through Wednesday I'll be working our annual spring meeting in Baltimore. In preparation for the meeting I've been collating, copying, binding, stuffing, and name tagging. It's hectic, it's fast pace, it's what I like to call meeting madness. I plan to be on my toes until next Thursday. My blogs will be few and far between next week - so be strong and DON'T LEAVE ME!

I had a dream about Natalie and Cory a few nights ago. They're on a journey across the US right now and I guess my brain is wondering how they are doing. I can't remember what the dream was now, but I know it was all positive. If you guys are out there and reading this then I hope you're having a safe and fun journey. You're OBVIOUSLY on my mind.
Talk to you all later!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

busy bee

SO busy with work I have no time to blog...sorry ya'll!!!

Will give updates on latest travel plans, new personalized invitations, dog/house sitting, and other whatnots, soon!


Friday, March 18, 2005


This made me dance today.

Belt Me

I let someone borrow my belt and they didn't give it back. Now I have saggy pants and my tummy is sticking out at work. They might as well have cut off one of my limbs because I feel helpless and without. Maybe it's discombobalated and droopy? GIVE ME MY BELT BACK!

Kathryn and Bryan from North Cacalacky are coming up this weekend. I haven't seen them since I tried being a born again Christian last fall. I hope they call like they said they would!

The beach house trip is only 24 hours away. Soon I'll be relaxing on the porch over looking the bay. Ahhhh...weekend bliss.

I'm not dog sitting anymore now that Deannie and Dean are back. When I told Deannie about the Dog/Rat story she said, "Oh...didn't I tell you about the rat in the garage?" NO! YOU DIDN'T! (I had a dream about that rat last night....)

I have watched two really bad movies this week. One was called Lucky 13 which was SUPPOSED to be a romantic comedy but the guys were so ugly that I couldn't finish watching it. No seriously they were. Check the link. The second was Exorcist: The Beginning. It was more like a very bad Indiana Jones movie. My review of both: BUNK!

I finally shaved my arm pits and legs.

My face hurts from the sinus problems I'm having. Sinus congestion. I have sinus face. I am taking so many pills for it that I'm a little stoned I think.....

Thursday, March 17, 2005

I smell A Rat

Ok well I didn't but Casey (the dog not my sister) did..........

I am house sitting for Deannie and Dean right now. They have two lovely dogs and a house on the last acre and a half in Alexandria. It's been a treat to stay at their house and watch the dogs while they're vacationing in Florida.

The two dogs sleep with me every night. That is the sole purpose of me being there while Deannie and Dean are gone. This morning Casey got out of bed to have her morning pee which she does every morning. Usually she'll come back in bed with me and sleep a little while or annoy me until I get up for work. Today she did not. I was mildly like, "Where is Casey", but I had to get ready for work so figured she was enjoying the nice spring morning outside. I got ready for work and walked out in to the garage where Casey was crying, shaking, and had her schnozzle busily smelling something between the storage boxes on the garage shelves. When she realized I was there she turned around to look at me longingly, as if to say, "Please Jessica...I want to eat that animal that's stuck back there!! At LEAST let me play with it!!" So I then realized we were dealing with an animal. Cat, mouse, bunny, I didn't know...but I decided to check it out. I pulled the storage box away from the wall and Casey weaseled her body behind it which caused a GIANT RAT to scurry across the garage, over the weight bench, and in to the corner behind another storage box. I am talking about a RAT the size of a SHOE with a BIG TAIL leaving behind much rat poop evidence.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

More Stuff

  1. I still have a sinus head ache and it's causing my teeth to hurt (my fang-like teeth). I'm afraid it's going to turn in to Sinusitis.
  2. I took my car in to John's shop today because it was dying on me and it's going to cost me $450.00 to fix it. SHIT!
  3. The recipe for Broccoli Cheese Balls I made last night turned out more like Broccoli Cheese Cookies. I wasn't impressed but they tasted alright.
  4. The people I'm house sitting for don't have a razor in their shower and I forgot mine so my arm pits and legs are atrocious.
  5. My office bought a brand new HP Color Laser Jet 4650 for well over a grand. We haven't had it for 48 hours and already needs a new part.
  6. I 'm going to my parents beach house this weekend and I'm really excited.
  7. Did I mention that my best friend is having a baby and it's going to be a boy?
  8. I have have rescheduled my appointment with H&R block three times now and I think I'm going to have to do it again because of this car issue.
  9. God my face hurts.
  10. My arms and torso overstayed their welcome in a friends fleece jacket so he just broke down and gave it to me. Yes! I love not-really-stealing-stealing clothes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


  1. I hate U2 they absolutely make my ears bleed.
  2. My zits have totally cleared up thanks to Differin. I swear by it. Screw Proactive.
  3. I am making these tonight for a dinner guest, and I'm so psyched.
  4. April 16th will be my one year blog anniversary.
  5. I bought my first pair of these the other day and I'm IN LOVE with them.
  6. One of my best friends is having a baby and I'm so f'ing thrilled I could die.
  7. I think my sister is still sick and has the flu.
  8. I have a kick ass sinus head ache right now I need my Guafinex which is the best stuff on the planet for this issue.
  9. I am organizing a meeting for my company at this hotel. There will be 100 attendees.
  10. I met a chick that works here and I'm going to drive 45 minutes to just get my hair cut by her and partake in other good spa treatments. I'm secretly a spa snob. You can buy me a gift certificate if you'd like.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Do you want me to beat you up?

So no one has anything nice to say to my sister, eh? Want me to come to YOUR house and flash my lights?

On My Sisters Behalf

It funny that I’m 27 years old and when people are mean to my sister I still get a defensive “I’m gonna kick your ass!” response zooming through my body. I've always been like that even when I didn't really even LIKE my sister. When we were in high school my sister had these bullies that were harassing her at school. She called me in a panic one night when I was at work and told me how so-n-so was planning on kicking her butt at school the next day. I immediately called so-n-so and told him I get off work at 10pm, I’d be outside his house flashing my headlights, and to come out and deal with me if he had a problem with my sister. At 10pm I blew off curfew to drive to this dudes house and flashed my lights as promised. No one came out. He was fat so I have no idea what I’d have done if he did come out because I’m sure I couldn’t take him down but back then my temper was big enough to knock the walls of his house down. The next day I walked my sister to each and every one of her classes and then picked her up. No body really messed with her after that.

Today my poor little sister just called with a story about how adults are bullying her over e-mail! She accidentally received an unkind e-mail response, not intended for her eyes, written by an adult (older then she is) that actually involved name-calling. My first reaction was to call this adult and tell her I’d be waiting outside her home after work, flashing my lights, and to come out if she’s got a problem with my sister and deal with me. (Oh this was of course AFTER I cracked all my knuckles and threw a couple of practice blows in to the air.) Through the pounding of my adreniline rush I heard my little voice of adult reason telling me that at the dignified age of 27 it’s best I put down the headlights and the boxing gloves and send my sister some flowers to her office instead. I’ll leave the ass kicking to my brother in law.

If you want to give my sister a little cheering up – go to her blog and say something nice or tell her a joke. She had a rough weekend, a bit too much e-mail name-calling, and now she’s coming down with flu symptoms. Her last sentence to me was, “I just want someone to be nice to me……” ISN’T THAT SO SAD!

Friday, March 11, 2005


Why has Blogger had so many commenting hiccups? Have you noticed it? OH...you probably CAN'T COMMENT!

Blog hacker at it again, this time at least I am being romantic! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Sing Song

Have you ever had one of those songs that you loved so much but you just couldn’t get the words right. Well you had what you THOUGHT were the right words but it turns out they weren’t? THANK GOD for Lyric looker uppers. This song by Tim McGraw, Live Like You Were Dying, is one of my latest favorites. When I hear it I’m singing it out loud, especially in the car, but there’s this one line that I could NOT figure out! So today I looked it up.

My Version:
I went sky divin',
I went rocky mountain climbin',
I went 2.7 seconds on a full man Fu Manchu.

Tim’s Version:
I went sky divin',
I went rocky mountain climbin',
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull name Fu Manchu.

This Red Hot Chili Pepper song just totally distracted my driving when it first came out. I was so busy driving along trying to listen to that hot singer guy pronounce each syllable so I could understand. As a result of not understanding what the hell he was saying I was making up all kinds of words to The Zephyr Song.

My version:
Fly away on hu huh-huhI uh uhh then ever
And in this perfect weather
MMMM MMMMmmm M togetherFly on my …….

Red Hot Chili Peppers Version:
Fly away on my ZephyrI feel it more then ever
And in this perfect weatherWe'll find a place together
Fly on my wing

The problem was I just didn’t know what the hell a Zephyr was. I still don’t know what the hell a Zephyr is (This is when my link to the dictionary comes in handy) Ok just looked it up…Zephyr…a gentle breeze…whatever.

I had this boyfriend in high school that was without a doubt obsessed with learning the words to Informer, by Snow. Do you remember that rediculous song? Reach back -- 1993. Can I tell you that I listed to my boyfriend rewind the Informer single 80 million times on the way to school just so he could sing along to these words:

You know say daddy me snow me-a (gonna) blame
A licky boom-boom down'
Tective man he say, say
Daddy Me Snow me stab someone down the lane
A licky boom-boom down

Police-a them-a they come and-a they blow down me door
One him come crawl through through my window
So they put me in the back the car at the station
From that point on I reach my destination
Well the destination reached in down-a
East detention
Where they whip down me pants look up me bottom

Last but not least I love the Black Crows Song, Hard To Handle. Lizzy introduced that to me at some point in highschool. My favorite part is the chorus, which I sing VERY LOUD, and then I just kind of make up the rest of it. Check it out:

My Version:
Baby here I amI'm the man on the street
I can’t give you what you want
But you gotta' come home with me
I have got some good old lovin'
And I got somthin more to say
When I get …uh huhuhu
You’ve got to come back for more
Dada…. things that come by the dozen
That ain't nothin' uhuh muffin
Hey little thing let me light your candle
'Cause mama I'm sure hard to handle now
Yes around

Black Crows Version:
Baby here I amI'm the man on the scene
I can give you what you want
But you gotta' come home with me
I have got some good old lovin'
And I got some more in store
When I get through throwin' it on you
You gotta' come back for more
Boys and things that come by the dozen
That ain't nothin' but drugstore lovin'
Hey little thing let me light your candle'
Cause mama I'm sure hard to handle now
Yes I am

Do you have any interesting lyrics you'd like to share?
I will be attending the The Mayors Tournament Party Hosted by Mayor Anthony Williams which includes a Concert performance by Smash Mouth and is Benifiting the Hoop Dreams Scholarship fund. Does that sound rad or what?

Easter Fun

COME AND GET IT! Click here for Easter fun.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


I am watching Nashville Star right now, watching which ever artist this is singing, and I'm terrified. I am a country fan and this girl is "Bad News Bears", man.


Ladies and Gentleman -- to the right you will see I have added a section for Links I Like and Blogs I Read. I have not listed ALL the blogs I read/have read -- just the ones I read daily. (Jeanette -- because of your password situation I didn't post yours.) I am still tweaking the lists -- so bare with me -- but I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF! Let me know if you can't get to a site or a blog.

Rough Start

Excuse-a-moi while I bitch about my rough start today. So I woke up late. My subconcious KNEW that I was sleeping late because it cursed me with stress dreams about loosing my car in the parking lot, my cell phone not working so I was unable to call work and alert them of my tardiness, and an evil exboyfrined from 1995 was even tossed in! I woke up frazzled and confused -- oh and puffy. There was no time for a shower so I am frantically washing my face, praying that my morning eye puffs will go down, and brushing my teeth. Bird bath. Then I turn on the news to discover that my partly sunny 66-degree weather of yesterday is now a soggy 40-degree, rainy, windy, muddy mess. With no time to spare I throw the greasy hair in a ponytail, toss on my grubby jeans, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes, and take the dog out for a walk. Forgot the umbrella. Drag one highly disappointed dog back inside to retrieve the umbrella. Once back outside, and exposed to the torrid weather, the misrable wind possesses my umbrella turning it inside out. I am officially a pretzel made up of keys, cell phone, dog leash, and inside out umbrella - wet. Quick pee for the dog and I'm off to work. Late. Stop to get low fat breakfast. I get to my building and there are fire trucks around the perimiter of the building. Hello -- sorry the building is burning down but I'M LATE - please move! I park underground (why do they let you park under the building but they won't let you ride up the elevator during a possible fire?) Now we should all know by now that I don't, how do we say, exercise.....so walking up the stairs to my office was the bitter icing on my morning cake. I strip off a few layers of my soaked clothes, sit down at my much beloved computer, reach for my coffee, and realize I've left my breakfast in the car. SHIT. I still don't smell a building fire so I walk back down the STAIRS to the garage to retreive my now cold breakfast. Step on elevator...push up...up...up...UP...UP DAMN IT! and remember that the building is supposedly burning down around me so I can't use the elevator and walk back UP the stairs to my office. I'm sitting here now and the tempature has dropped 10 degrees and it's snowing out. I'm not leaving this burning building until springtime.

PS. Forgot deoderant again. Melon Ball pits.

Does this look like me?

Big Glasses! Posted by Hello

Does this look like me? No, it looks like Michael Jackson, doesn't it? It's me in a borrowed pair of sunglasses. I don't have the face for these I don't think....

Monday, March 07, 2005

Born Again, Again?

I’m going to talk about two things in this post that I swore to myself I wasn’t going to discuss on my blog, but I don’t see anyway around it. I want to tell you about my most memorable weekend event and it involves these two details. One of which is God and the other one is my boyfriend. This will probably be the last you’ll see of them on this blog but for this post I’m letting my blog-guard down.

Last night my boyfriend and I went to church. I know you’re thinking “Wow, Jess, how original…” but it wasn’t just that. What was it you ask? I attended a church of TWO THOUSAND PEOPLE! 2000 people. It was a rockin Christian church of 2000 people, my age (20’s and early 30’s), rockin out to Jesus. I didn’t even know a Godly facility that could hold this many people existed here. Now back in the fall, when I was in my “born again” phase, this would have been the place for me! There were hundreds of totally hot guys, a rockin band, a hip pastor, and you can wear what ever you want. It’s 30 minutes of Jesus rock and then 30 minutes of Jesus talk. Loved it. But I’m not really a Christian.........

Now many of you don't know this but it didn't take me long (5 weeks out of a 9 week workbook all abot where God fits in to my life) to find out that I don’t really buy in to all the Jesus stuff. Hello my name is Jessica and I'm a Jesus Skeptic. (Don’t make me take the comments section off this post with your nasty “YOUR GOING TO HELL” responses! What I decide to do with my after life is my business!) I just don’t believe in it so much, and neither (coincidentally) does my boyfriend. We are what I now like to refer to as “on the same spiritual page” though, which is great. This is just one of the gazillions of things we have in common. (Seven years of best friendship gets you that, I suppose.) However, we both loved the church, the band, and the good-looking Christians that were attending, i.e. virgin eye candy. We also like the “something to think about” type of messages they deliver at churches in general. Most of the sermons I’ve heard in Christian churches give out good messages that you can apply to your daily life, whether you’re a Jesus freak or not. Just pluck the words Jesus, Bible, and God out and there you go! So I think even though we’re not “sold” on God – we’re going to hit up the masses at the McLean Bible Church Frontline Service every now and again. If nothing else it’s a darn good free concert!

See that wasn’t so bad was it………..

PS. I forgot to put on deoderant again this morning and so I have melon ball pits again!

Friday, March 04, 2005


I am really bored today at work. I'm leaving early but in the mean time I thought I'd post this gay factoid sheet about me. Yes, I totally filled it out and sent it to people on e-mail...but that just wasn't enough. I want you to see it too! I have nothing else to blog about today so this is what you get instead to keep your balls busy....

A- Age: 27
B- Best friend: Lizzy, Holly, Deannie & Eric
C- Crush: Eric Glenn Jones & Johnny Depp
D- Dad's name: Dave
E- Easiest person to talk to: Holly
F- Favorite band at the moment: Keane
G- Gummy bears or gummy worms: Gummy BEARS
H- Hometown: Alexandria, VA
I- Instrument: (My true answer to this is inappropriate for all readers and cannot be posted…)
J- Jam or Jelly?: What is the difference?
K- Kids: None that I know of
L- Longest car ride ever: Lompoc, CA to Maryland
M- Mom's name: Avis
N- Number of siblings: 2 – Little Brother and Little sister
O- One wish: To cure cancer
P- Phobia[s]: Car accidents & family deaths
Q- favorite quote: Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday!
R- Reason to smile: Good Days
S- Song you sang last: Volcano by Damien Rice
T - Tacos or tamales?: TAMALES (I used to by them from little Mexican ladies in my neighborhood in Santa Maria, CA. SO GOOD!)
U- Unknown fact about me: We had 14 foster children during my growing up years
V- vegetable: Cauliflower (with cheese)
W- Worst habit(s): cracking my jaw, biting my cuticles, procrastinating, letting trash pile up in my car, and not hanging up my clothes
X- X-rays you've had: teeth, hand, ankle, feet & face
Y- Yummy food: Sushi, Mexican, oreos, spaghetti O’s,
Z- Zodiac sign: Virgo – but I don’t believe in any of this crapola

Thursday, March 03, 2005


I've been reading this blog Love Lori for months now. (Since Lori was 10 weeks pregnant)It's basically this guy, Mike's, personal account of his wife's pregnancy. His plan is to give this blog to her as a gift when the baby is born but for now she has no idea it's being written!

Apparently Lori, Mike's wife, is a HUGE fan of the Ellen show. The latest news is that Mike would love to have Ellen announce the Love Lori blog on her show to surprise his wife. So far he hasn't heard back from the Ellen show, and since I'm a fan of the blog, I jumped on a "campaign" to get Ellen's help. You can go to this site, read about the Love Lori Campaign, and send Ellen an e-mail! Maybe with an over flowing inbox Ellen will break down and air Mike's request.

Thanks in advance!!!

House Sitting Again

I am house/cat sitting at Holly and Curt's again!! They are going on their honeymoon and I'm going back to the amazing mattress, salon quality shower amenities, wireless internet, bottles of wine, cuticle cutters, and hours and hours of digital cable. I'm so phyched!! How come I like everyone else's house better then mine?

Next week I'm house sitting for Deannie and Dean. They have a great mattress too. They also have wine, cute dogs, over an acre of land, a washer and dryer, a screened in porch, and they live closer to my office then I do. All great reasons to feel as though I'm on a mini vacation while I'm staying there!!

At the end of the month I'm house/dog sitting for my sister. I'm not as excited about this one as I probably should be. NOT because I don't love my sister but because her house is 45 minutes away from my family and friends, and her dogs are nothing short of insane. To learn more about these crazy dogs, click here. She DOES have a gazillion dollar mattress though....and digital cable which can be viewed on one of several big screen TVs. It won't be so bad and it's only for a weekend......Kaycee you owe me!

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


My life is Choclofied. For weeks I've been munching on these Dark Chocolate Hershey Kisses I left at my boyfriend's house over Valentines Day. That, combined with his collection of Oreo's I've been stealing from, is almost turning me a funky shade of brown. To make things worse, during Valentines Day, I felt giving and put a communal bowl of the aforementioned Hershey kisses out at work for coworkers and delivery men to enjoy. Oddly enough every time I walk to the fax machine it's MY hand I see in the candy dish. NOW Thin Mints have recently surfaced -- and SOMEHOW I HAVE THREE BOXES! (What is it about freezing Thin Mints that make them so much better?) JUST TODAY a co-worker bought me a sheet of dark chocolate from Trader Joes out of the kindness of her heart. How can I stop this terrible cycle of scarfing down chocolate? What am I to do? If I eat this much chocolate, but chase it down with lots of water, will it flush right through me and NOT stick to my ass?

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Moisture Lock

The band-aid moisture lock worked on my nips. It was amazing. The down fall is that when I took the band-aid off, I got noticed this red outline of a band-aid, that didn't go away for a few days. Not sure how I could have avoided it. I used the cloth band-aids -- maybe that has something to do with it?

So I finished watching Saw. In other words I saw Saw. The movie is scary, dude. I don't really get scared in scary movies -- I get more annoyed. I hate the suspense. I get too impatient and just want to fast forward to see who's around the corner, hiding in the shower, or going to kill someone. Saw didn't make me feel that way. It really kept you thinking and the ending was GOOD.

Even though I typically don't watch scary movies I've been hanging out with a friend that likes them so I've been watching more of them then I would normally allow. Last night we watched American Crime. It was an Independent film I think, and it had it's moments, but sucked over all. The ending pissed me off and there were periods of time during the movie where I just wanted to scream, "Hurry up already!". I know I muttered, "I'm confused", several times throughout. Said friend and I both agreed that we weren't sure if we like it or not. Huh.... If you've seen it, and you get the ending, please share.

This weekend was fun and money making! Friday night I did the usual happy hour with Deannie and Dean. Then went home and finished watching Saw. Saturday was lunch and a movie with my knocked up friend, Carrie. We saw Wedding Date which was really cute. (It amazes me how funny Debra Messing is and how tiny her tits are. Not that one has anything to do with the other. Her cha-cha's are not as small as Calista Flockhearts, but they're damn little. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for girls with sporty boobs, but Ms. Messing is itty bitty.) The movie was a classic romantic comedy with lines like, "I'd rather spend a life time fighting with you then making love to anyone else!" or "I think I'd miss you even if we'd never met." Those lines made my heart melt and my stomach explode with butterflies. The movie surely extracted every drop of girlie-ness out of my body. After the movie I had a babysitting job where I made $100 buck-a-roos! (That reminds me I need to mail in my deposit). Sunday I had ribs at a friends house and watch some of the awards show. Johnny Depp looked hot but he brought his girlfriend which made me sad. Reality bites.

I ate too much lunch and now my belly feels all full and bloated. I have onion breath too. Sexy, eh?